Allegations On His Writings
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Allegations On His Writings


This section will deal with the allegations which the non Ahmadi Muslims and non Muslims have quoted against us. These are also mostly out of context or misunderstood by many.

Children Of Adulterers

This allegation is often raised by the non Ahmadi Muslims and is one of the most famous allegation against Ahmad عليه السلام. The allegation is that Ahmad عليه السلام claimed that those who do not accept his claim of being the Messiah an Mahdi are Dhuriyyatul Baghaya.

Swines And Female Dogs?

The second allegation which is brought by the anti Ahmadi Muslims is that Ahmad عليه السلام called Muslims swines, and female dogs but this is totally incorrect and out of context as are all of the other allegations

Ibnal Haram?

The next allegation comes on the use of Arabic expressions like waladul baghaya or Ibnal haram

Lanat 1000 Times?

If you go to the Holy Quran you see that cursing people who are the opponents of the truth and do not want to accept what is clear, they are cursed not only by the prophets but by the angels and God also

The Word Zaneem in Qur’an

The allegation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is that Ahmad عليه السلام has translated the last word of the verse which is “zaneem” as illegitimate birth

Like An Octopus?

There is another allegation which comes from “Elucidation of Objectives” claiming Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام said God is an octopus and has arms God forbid

Mockery of Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه‎ ?

Promised Messiah عليه السلام always said good things about Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه

Messiah Would Be Declared Kaffir?

It is a clear fact that the Promised Messiah عليه السلام was to be declared a disbeliever according to the Qur’an, the Ahadith and the views of many scholars

Khatamul Khulafa

Another allegation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is the confusion of what khatamul khulafa means

Moses عليه السلام Alive According to Ahmad عليه السلام?

The anti Ahmadi Muslims have a habit of taking writings of the Promised Messiah عليه السلام, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام completely out of context and this is what they have been doing for over hundred years and are having no success at all, yet they continue

Is The Belief of Isa عليه السلام Being Alive Shirk?

The allegation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is that Ahmad عليه السلام before his prophethood and before Allah had told him about the death of Isa عليه السلام, himself believed that Isa عليه السلام was alive in the heavens and that later he labelled it as a great shirk

Condition of Maryam عليه السلام

The baseless allegation of the anti Ahmadi Muslims is that Ahmad عليه السلام claimed to spiritually go through what Maryam عليه السلام went through

Guru Nanak, A Muslim?

There is a lot of proof, main ones being he went to Hajj and his cloak was full of Quranic verses, along with the book he always carried around


The allegation of the anti Ahmadis is once again a false allegation full of ignorance. The anti Ahmadis say that Ahmad عليه السلام plagiarized from Maqamat-al-Hariri which was known as the best poetry collection

Humility With The Act of Ejaculation?

This allegation is upsetting and is raised by only the ignorant. Ahmad عليه السلام is answering in reply to the criticism on the Holy Qur’an by presenting Surah al Muminun

Messiah To Come In The 14th Century

According to the Qur’an and the ahadith, it is clear that the latter day Messiah was to appear in the fourteenth century of the Islamic Calendar

Fatima رضي الله عنها‎ Dishonored?

The Anti Ahmadis put this allegation out a lot also that the Promised Messiah عليه السلام was God Forbid disrespectful to Hazrat Fatima رضي الله عنها‎ who was the youngest daughter of the Prophet ﷺ by saying that in a dream

Mahdi Lineage Of The Prophet ﷺ

One of the primary objection the non Ahmadi Muslims have against Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام of Qadian is that he was not from the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

British Agent?

Before we answer this it is important to understand that this allegation is not only raised against Ahmad عليه السلام

Was Miraj Spiritual

The allegation that comes up is in regards to the Miraj. The non Ahmadi Muslims take this journey to be physical while the Ahmadi Muslims agree with the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and believe it to be a spiritual journey

Are All Poets Wrong?

The allegation of the anti Ahmadi Muslims is that a Prophet cannot be a poet. They raise the allegation that Ahmad عليه السلام is a poet, and quote:

Statements With Qasam Taken Literally?

The allegation of the anti Ahmadi Muslims is that Ahmad عليه السلام has stated that any statement one makes which has a qasam or an oath, is always taken literally

Prophecies of Muhammad ﷺ, Incorrect?

This allegation is brought up by non Ahmadi Muslims many times and its sad that they do not even read the entire prophecy nor understand it

Pir Mehr Ali,Another Humiliated Opponent

The next allegation is quote often raised by the minority of followers belonging to Pir Mehr Ali Shah He was another opponent of Ahmad عليه السلام and did not have a mubahila but a huge challenge was given to him by Ahmad عليه السلام which he failed miserably in

Contradiction In Claim of Prophethood?

People claim that Ahmad عليه السلام said in Izala Auham That prophethood is closed and later said it is open under Muhammad ﷺ and claim that it is a contradiction, however that is untrue

Contradiction In Claim of Messiah?

The anti Ahmadis quote two passages out of context. One where Ahmad عليه السلام states that he is not Isa Ibn Maryam and one where he says he is the Promised Messiah. The Promised Messiah عليه السلام in reality

Leave A Place with Epidemic Disease?

The allegation of the anti Ahmadi Muslims is that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام stated that the Holy Prophet ﷺ stated that one should leave a city wherever a epidemic disease appears

Name a Form of Shirk?

Such allegations can only be brought up by people who have no understanding of the Holy Qur’an.

Three Times or Faith In Doubt?

“Anyone who has not read my books at least three times, his faith is in doubt.” (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, No. 407, Vol. 2, P. 78)

Ayah In Brahine Ahmadiyya?

Ayah means a miracle, a sign, and verse. Not necessarily Quranic verse. Ahmad عليه السلام was not referring to a Quranic verse here

Disrespect Of The Grave of Muhammad ﷺ?

The quote you are trying to quote as anti Ahmadis quote is :

“And God chose such an ignominious place to hide/bury the Holy Prophet that is awfully stinking and dark and cramped and the place of excreta of insects…” (Ruhani Khaza’in, v. 17, p. 205)

Law Bearing Prophet?

This allegation is extremely old and is one made by the ignorant. Firstly in Promised Messiah عليه السلام last writing he stated:

More Miracles Than Muhammad ﷺ?

The allegation comes from two different books. They claim that Ahmad عليه السلام has said that the Holy Prophet ﷺ showed 3000 miracles while he had 300,000 SIGNS (remember there is a difference between signs and miracles!)

Holy Prophet ﷺ ate Cheese with Lard?

The allegation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is that the Promised Messiah عليه السلام stated that the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ God forbid used to eat cheese made by the Christians which included pig fat

5 Volumes Instead of 50?

The allegation of the anti Ahmadi Muslims is that Ahmad عليه السلام promised to produce fifty volumes of Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya but only produced five

Other Muslims Kaffir?

The allegation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام declared all the non Ahmadi Muslims to be disbelievers

Isa عليه السلام had A Teacher?

The allegation of the anti Ahmadi Muslims is against Ahmad عليه السلام for claiming Isa عليه السلام had a teacher who taught him the Old Testament

Isa عليه السلام Lacking Powers?

The anti Ahmadi Muslims quote that Isa عليه السلام lacked powers. The quotation which the anti Ahmadi Muslims say is as follows:

If the Qur’an Has not Referred to Me as Ibn Maryam?

The anti Ahmadi Muslims raise an allegation from the book A Gift for An Nadwah which states:

Denied Day of Judgement and Punishment Of The Grave?

The first allegation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is that on page 2 of Izala Auham, Ahmad عليه السلام stated that Qiyamah is nothing and there is no such thing as destiny. This is a complete lie

No Mention of Khilafat?

The non Ahmadi Muslims raise an allegation that the Promised Messiah عليه السلام did not mention khilafat in his books. This is a complete lie.. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام states:

More Messiahs and Mahdis?

“We admit that several mahdis may have come before and possibly will come in future as well and probably someone by the name of imam Muhammad may also appear”

Quoting Unauthentic Narrations For Isa عليه السلام Being Alive?

The next allegation is that the maulvi states that Mirza Ghulam عليه السلام stated that  the Qur’an and ahadith clearly has said clearly that Isa عليه السلام has died and quoting the sayings to prove he is alive is “behudgi” or basically an ill mannered act

Nobody Knew About The Death Of Isa عليه السلام?

The maulvi states that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام has stated in Ruhani Khazain that sahaba had an ijma that Isa عليه السلام had passed away but in other sayings he says that the death of Jesus عليه السلام is something that no one from before me knew rather Allah has opened this secret to me

Age of Isa عليه السلام When He Died?

Allegation is that  Ahmad عليه السلام wrote Isa عليه السلام died at the age of 120 and in other writings he has written that he has died at the age of 125 and then that he was 153. Another complete lie

Contradiction In The Tomb Of Jesus عليه السلام?

The non Ahmadi’s state firstly that we use it as a daleel to show Isa عليه السلام died that his grave is in Kashmir

Unaware That He Was The Messiah?

He basically states that  The Messah said that for ten years Allah has told me that you are the Messiah and no one will come from the heavens and continued to tell me but I was not aware of this

Unaware of The Revelation of Allah?

He states that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام for 12 years Allah kept telling me but I remained ignorant about it and then after states that my writing Allah does not let errors come not even for a moment

Did Not Perform Hajj?

The allegation against Ahmad عليه السلام is that he did not perform Hajj. This is an allegation full of ignorance. Someone asked about this allegation in regards to Ahmadas not doing Hajj and he stated:

Hadith of Mahdi From Bukhari?

Let us first make it clear that many non Ahmadis have the misconception that it is not possible for a prophet to forget when this is not true at all

Hadith of 313 Companions?

The anti Ahmadi Muslims accuse the Promised Messiah for stating that there are sahih hadith which state that the Mahdi would have 313 companions.

Surah Zilzal Tafseer?

The allegation of the anti Ahmadi Muslims is that Ahmad عليه السلام stated that the Holy Prophet ﷺ misunderstood the meaning of Surah Zilzal

Eclipses Greater than The Splitting of the Moon?

The allegation of the anti Ahmadi Muslims is that Ahmad عليه السلام in one of his writing said that the splitting of the moon happened as a sign during the time of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ but he has also written that for him the moon and sun eclipsed and therefore it means he is claiming to be greater

Father Died Before Birth of Muhammad ﷺ?

This is a really foolish allegation as the time of when the father of the Prophet ﷺ died does have different views

Amount of Daughters Holy Prophet ﷺ Had

This ignorant allegation is from Malfuzat, and is in regards to how many daughters the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had

Mans Language Different Than Revelation?

All prophets come and speak in the language of the people they are sent to.  Allah tells us :

Drawing of Ahmad عليه السلام?

Another foolish allegation by the Anti Ahmadis. Right above the picture if you read in context Ahmad عليه السلام

11 Sons of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?

There are two different instances quoted. One where Ahmad عليه السلام has quoted that the historians know

Muhammad ﷺ Unaware of Ibn Maryam, Dajjal, Yajooj Majooj?

The allegation which the non Ahmadis bring up is that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام stated that revelation did not inform the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ about Ibn Maryam, Dajjal, Khar Dajjal, Yajooj Majooj and Dabbatul Ard

Khutbah Ilhamiya Location?

Khutbah Ilhamyiya has no error. When I say this I refer to the revelation part. Nor has anyone spotted an error in the khutba other than a typo of location

Status Greater Than Muhammad ﷺ?

The passage quoted is :

“Muhammad ﷺ has once again descended among us And he is greater in status than before He who wishes to see Muhammad(saw) O Akmal Should see Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام in Qadian”

Superior to Muhammad ﷺ?

The non Ahmadis often quote two quotes of Ahmad عليه السلام. Firstly:

And Allah sent down upon me the bounty of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and made it perfect; and he drew towards me the kindness and generosity of the merciful Prophet, so that I became one with him.

More Complete and Stronger?

The false allegation of the anti Ahmadis is that Ahmad عليه السلام himself claimed to be more complete and stronger than the Prophet ﷺ God forbid.

Second Advent of Muhammad ﷺ?

Some anti Ahmadis have a ignorant allegation that Ahmad عليه السلام has claimed to be the second coming of Muhammad ﷺ as well

Claim of Krishna

The baseless allegation is that Ahmad عليه السلام claimed to be the latter day Krishna and the avatar. In Hinduism the concept of a Prophet is called  an avatar and it has the same meaning in its own language also

Mockery of Imam Hussain رضي الله عنه‎ ?

The anti Ahmadi Muslims raise the allegation that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام mocked Imam Hussain رضي الله عنه

Denying Ahadith?

This allegation is once again completely out of context.

They non Ahmadi Muslims quote:

Claim of Being All Prophets?

The allegation is that Ahmad عليه السلام has claimed to be all of the prophets. This is totally incorrect. Ahmad عليه السلام has only claimed to have the qualities of all of the prophets and this is completely true. He did indeed have the qualities of all of the prophets.

Did Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام Have Teachers?

The next allegation which will be answered is not surprisingly, another baseless allegation

Disrespect of Jesus عليه السلام?

The answer to this allegation will start with a statement of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام himself. He states:

Superiority to Jesus عليه السلام

The next allegation in  regards to Ahmad عليه السلام and the disrespect God forbid, of Isa عليه السلام, is that he claimed superiority over Jesus عليه السلام. The answer is beautifully given by Ahmad عليه السلام himself

Isa عليه السلام and Mesmerism?

The allegation which the non Ahmadi Muslims raise against Ahmad عليه السلام, is that Isa عليه السلام practiced mesmerism and was an expert in it as well, and relate this to Ahmad عليه السلام disrespecting Isa عليه السلام, God Forbid

Where is Allah?

Where is Allah is a question which many Salafi Muslims today bring up. The reason to this is not really known but it seems as if they have confined Allah and now are on a mission to make others also confine Allah, God Forbid

Messiah and Mahdi are One

Another primary difference between the Ahmadi and non Ahmadi Muslims is in regards to the Messiah and Mahdi being one person with both of these titles

Plague Mentioned in The Qur’an?

Allah had revealed to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام through a revelation:

‘A Warner came unto the world, but the world accepted him not; yet God shall manifest His favour and demonstrate his truth with powerful assaults.’

Plague Mentioned in the Ahadith

The allegation of the anti Ahmadis is that there is no mention of the plague in the ahadith

Plague Mentioned in The Bible?

The allegation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is that the plague is not mentioned in the bible. This is totally false.

Many Would Become Christians at The Time of The Messiah?

This allegation is brought up by the most ignorant people. If they had for a second read the Qur’an and Ahadith such a question should not even come up

Qur’an Lifted Up?

Firstly one has to understand that the statement of Ahmad عليه السلام of the Qur’an being lifted in 1857 is only an interpretation which will make sense to one if he focuses properly.

Jesus عليه السلام Died After Shirk Began?

The allegation of Illias Sattar is :

St Paul died in 64/67 AD, which means Hazrat Isa lived 55 years longer than him. How come Hazrat Isa was being worshipped as God (during his lifetime)

Jesus عليه السلام, The Son of Yusuf Najjar?

The allegation which the non Ahmadi Muslims raise against Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام, is that he believed Isa عليه السلام to be the son of Yusuf Najjar

Islam, A Dead Religion?

The allegation against Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام is that he stated that if the door of revelation is closed in a religion, that religion is a satanic religion

Prophets are Liars?

The false allegation with the non Ahmadi Muslims quote is that Ahmad عليه السلام stated that the prophets are liars

Khatamul Aulad?

The non Ahmadis bring up another allegation that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام has used the word khatam to mean last but its sad that they have misunderstood the true meaning of what Ahmad عليه السلام has said

Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, The Book Of God?

The Anti Ahmadis try to quote page 533 of Izala Auham and state that Ahmad عليه السلام wrote here that Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya is the Book of God

Prayers Against Opponents

The foolish allegation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is that a prophet does not do mubahalas nor wish death upon people

Celibacy in the Injeel?

The allegation of the anti Ahmadi Muslims is that Ahmad عليه السلام claimed that the Injeel preached celibacy

Angels are the Names of Heavenly Bodies and Spirits of Stars?

The allegation raised is that apparently Ahmad عليه السلام said that the angels are the names of heavenly bodies and spirits of stars and whatever happens, occurs under the influence of the stars. In reality what Ahmad عليه السلام stated was :

Denying the Descent of Gabriel?

The allegation which the non Ahmadi Muslims try to state is that Ahmad عليه السلام denied the coming of Gabriel on earth which is just another misrepresentation of the words of Ahmad عليه السلام as we know Gabriel descends upon the ones who Allah blesses with divine revelation. Ahmad عليه السلام stated:

Bait ul Fiqr at Qadian Like The Haram-e-Ka’aba?

The allegation which the non Ahmadi Muslims quote is that in Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, on page 558, Ahmad عليه السلام stated that the Bait Ul Fiqr at Qadian is like the Haram-e-Ka’aba

Women for British Soldiers

This allegation is against the Promised Messiah (as) and his book Arya Dharam.

Gradual Claims of Ahmad عليه السلام

The allegation raised against Ahmad عليه السلام is that he slowly increased his claim. It is important to note that Allah States:

The Heavenly Graveyard

Firstly one has to understand that the institution of this heavenly graveyard was a prophecy of the Holy Prophet Muhammad 

Abrogation of Jihad?

The next allegation is also one of the most popular allegation against Ahmad عليه السلام

Squirrels Revived from Death

The allegation raised by the non Ahmadi Muslims is that Hazur (as) said dead squirrels can come back to life

Jihad Against the British

The allegation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is that Ahmad عليه السلام did not allow or do physical Jihad of the sword against the British Government

Was Ahmad عليه السلام of Persian Lineage?

There is a beautiful prophecy in the Qur’an in regards to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad عليه السلام. Allah states in the Qur’an:


The allegation is in regards to a revelation of Hadhrat Ahmad(as) which uses the word menstruation

Ignorant Allegation on Surah Ikhlas Translation

This allegation is false allegation against a translation of Surah Ikhlas given by Ahmad(as)

Why the Claim of Mujadid?

The allegation of the anti Ahmadis is that if Ahmad عليه السلام was the mujadid why did he need to claim it. Certainly other mujadids must have also made this claim if it was necessary while no mujadid has. This is another false allegation.

Status of Qadian

The non Ahmadi Muslims accuse the Promised Messiah عليه السلام, the khulafa and the followers of Ahmadiyyat of holding Qadian to a high status

Most Hated Organ?

This is by far one of the most foolish allegations of the non Ahmadi Muslims till today

Abu Lahab, A Maulvi from Delhi?

The allegtation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is that Ahmad عليه السلام said Abu Lahab refers to a Maulvi from Delhi in Haqiqatul Wahi

Mushrikun Mujadids?

The allegation raised by the non Ahmadi Muslims is full of ignorance and dishonesty. They claim that Hadhrat Ahmadas said all Mujadids were mushriks.

Male Goat and Male Giving Milk

The allegation is that Hazrat Ahmad (as) said that a male goat gave milk and that a male gave milk:

Is Hell Eternal?

An allegation which is quite often raised against the teachings of the true Islam, Ahmadiyyat, are that we believe that hell is not eternal

Ashraf Ali Thanvi Plagiarism of Hadhrat Ahmad (as)

This shows us the plagiarism of Ashraf Ali Thanvi

Revelation During the Time of the Messiah

The allegation raised by the non Ahmadi Muslims is full of ignorance and dishonesty. They claim that in the book “Need for The Imam” Ahmad عليه السلام has stated that kids would turn into Prophets

Exceeding Spirituality of Muhammad ﷺ? (Allegation on Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad رضي الله عنه‎)

The anti Ahmadis quote Al Fazl of July 17 1922 and say that it claims

“It is absolutely true that every person can progress and attain a higher and higher status, even beyond that of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him”

Milk of Makkah and Medina Dried Up? (Allegation on Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad رضي الله عنه‎)

This allegation is against the Promised Son, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad رضي الله عنه‎. The allegation comes from one of his writings where he states:

Sadullah - Son of a Prostitute?

The allegation that Sadullah was called the son of a prostitute

Those Who Deny Our Victory are Illegitimate?

The allegation that those who deny the Messiah are illegitimate?

Indecent Poetry in Lujjatun Nur?

The allegation on the poetry of Lujjatun Nur

Error for the Blink of an Eye

Error for the Blink of an Eye

Apostates at Hudaibiyya

Musa and Isa studied

Hadrat Musa (as) and Hadrat Isa (as) Studied?

Hadrat Musa (as) and Hadrat Isa (as) Studied?

Hadrat Musa (as) and Hadrat Isa (as) Studied?

Allah Rested on the Seventh Day?

Allah Rested on the Seventh Day?

Allah Rested on the Seventh Day?