Contradiction In Claim of Prophethood?
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Contradiction In Claim of Prophethood?

The anti Ahmadi Muslims claim that the Promised Messiahas­said in Izala Auham that Prophethood is closed and than later said it is open under the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw, and therefore it is a contradiction. This is completely false. When our opponents bring forth such an allegation, they are proving Ahmadas to be truthful. Allah States:

مَا يُقَالُ لَكَ إِلَّا مَا قَدْ قِيلَ لِلرُّسُلِ مِنْ قَبْلِكَ ۚ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ لَذُو مَغْفِرَةٍ وَذُو عِقَابٍ أَلِيمٍ{44}

Nothing is said to thee but what was said to the Messengers before thee. Thy Lord is indeed the Master of forgiveness; and also the Master of painful chastisement.(Chapter 41 Verse 44)

The opponents say the same allegations against the Holy Prophesaw. Whatever the mullahs raise against Ahmadas was said against the Prophetsaw by the Christians and the Hindus.They have written books full of supposed contradictions in the Qur’an when in reality there is no contradiction. They claim that Ahmadas did not claim prophethood at first and later on did. This is not true either. From the first day in Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, till his death, Ahmadas stated that Allah talks to me, he gives me the news of the unseen and has called me a Nabi. These three things are available from his first book upto his death. In that time when Allah told him he was a messenger and a prophet, the scholars had the misconception that all messengers bring a new law and that he abrogates the law before him. None of this was in Ahmadas and therefore he explained that he is not a prophet according to their definition.

Ahmadas said that  Allah called me a Nabi because he talks to me and he means that I am like a nabi. In 1901, Ahmadas said that it was Allah who told him that the view of the ulama in regards to prophethood is wrong. Allah told Ahmadas the true meaning of prophethood and that a nabi does not necessarily bring a new law. When Allah had revealed this, then Ahmadas explained that the nabi and rasul which he is called in his revelations do not mean a law bearing prophet. He told the Muslims that wherever he declined any prophethood it was in the context of law bearing and abrogating the previous law. He said that he is only a prophet under Muhammadsaw and attained this rank because of his love for the greatest of mankindsaw. Allah States:

وَمَنْ يُطِعِ اللَّهَ وَالرَّسُولَ فَأُولَٰئِكَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ النَّبِيِّينَ وَالصِّدِّيقِينَ وَالشُّهَدَاءِ وَالصَّالِحِينَ ۚ وَحَسُنَ أُولَٰئِكَ رَفِيقًا{70}

And whoso obeys Allah and this Messenger of His shall be among those on whom Allah has bestowed His blessings, namely, the Prophets, the Truthful, the Martyrs, and the Righteous. And excellent companions are these.(Chapter 4 verse 70)


Ahmadas  did not fully claim to be a Prophet until Allah explained to him the exact meaning of his prophethood since the view at that time was extremely corrupt. No new law was brought by Ahmadas, rather he revived Islam as prophesied. In 1906, Ahmadas said all prophethood is closed except the prophethood under Muhammadsaw. A non law bearing prophet can come but from Islam only. Allah told Ahmadas the reality of what a Nabi means. There is no contradiction in the writings of Ahmadas. Qur’an says Allah knows the news of the unseen and he does not tell anyone this news unless he is a messenger. Ahmadas explained that him being called a nabi and a rasool means a nabi and rasool who does not bring a law. Allah reveals to his messengers slowly and the Qur’an itself took 23 years. Allah slowly revealed to the Prophetsaw and did not reveal everything at once since it is hard for not only the Prophet to handle it, but the people as well.

Ahmadas states:

“Wherever I have denied being a Prophet or Messenger, it has only been in the sense that I have not brought an independent law nor am I an independent Prophet. I am a Messenger and Prophet only in the sense that I have received spiritual grace from the Messengersaw whom I follow, and, having received his name for myself, and through him, I have received knowledge of the unseen from God. But I have not come with a new law. I have never denied being called a Nabi (Prophet) in this sense. Indeed it is in this very sense that God has addressed me as Nabi and Rasul; and it is in this sense that I do not deny being a Nabi or Rasul.”(A Misconception Removed, Page 10)

He also states:

In Brahin-e-Ahmadiyyah, God Almighty has named me ‘Isa, and has told me that He and His Messengersa had prophesied my advent. But as a body of Muslims was firmly of the faith—and I too believed—that Jesusas would descend from heaven, I was not inclined to construe God’s revelation literally but interpreted it differently and continued in the belief which I shared with the common Muslims and even set it forth in Brahin-e-Ahmadiyyah. Thereafter, Divine revelations descended upon me like torrential rain, affirming that I am the Promised Messiah who was to come. At the same time hundreds of signs appeared, and both heaven and earth rose to affirm my truthfulness. The bright signs of God compelled me to believe that I am the Messiah that was to come in the latter days. This was despite the fact that my earlier belief was that which I had set down in Brahin-e-Ahmadiyyah. Not relying entirely upon the revelation that was vouchsafed to me, I sought adjudication from the Holy Qur’an and I was convinced by several conclusive verses that Jesus son of Maryas had indeed died, and that the last Khalifah would appear from among the Muslims under the title of the Promised Messiah. As there is no darkness left after the dawn of day, in the same way, hundreds of signs, heavenly testimonies, several conclusive verses of the Holy Qur’an, and a number of clear and categorical Ahadith compelled me to believe that I am the Promised Messiah. I had no desire for such a thing and it was enough for me that God should be pleased with me. I led a life of seclusion and no one was aware of my existence, nor did I desire that people should recognize me, but it was God Who pulled me out of my solitude. I had wished to live and die in seclusion, but He decreed that He would make me known with honour throughout the world. If you want to know, then ask God why He did so. I have no say in the matter.

Similarly, in the beginning I believed that I bore no resemblance to the Messiah, Son of Maryas. He was a Prophet and one of the distinguished men of God. Therefore, whenever something in my revelation appeared to exalt me above him, I interpreted it as partial exaltation. But in due course, Divine revelation, which descended upon me like plentiful rain, did not permit me to continue in this belief and the title of ‘Prophet’ was clearly bestowed upon me, albeit with the proviso that I was a Prophet in one aspect, and follower of a Prophet in another. The instances of Divine revelation that I have cited in this book also reveal what God Almighty says concerning me vis-à-vis Jesus son of Maryas. How can I reject the continuous revelations that I have received in the course of twenty-three years? I believe in those holy revelations as I believe in all the Divine

Revelations that have preceded me. I also understand that Jesus son of Maryas was the last Khalifah of Mosesas and I am the last Khalifah of the Prophetsa, who is the Best of Messengers. Therefore, God willed that, compared to Jesusas, I should not be deficient in any respect. I do realize that these words of mine will not be welcome to those whose love for Jesus borders on worship. However, I pay no heed to them. How can I reject the Divine command and revert to darkness from the light that has been granted to me. In short, I am not guilty of any contradiction. I only follow that which is revealed to me by Almighty God. Until I was enlightened by Him, I continued to assert what I had said in the beginning. But when God bestowed knowledge upon me, I said to the contrary. I am a human being and do not claim to know that which is hidden. This is the fact, whether anyone accepts it or not. I do not know why God did so, but I know this much that God’s jealousy is deeply aroused in heaven against the Christians. They have reviled the Holy Prophetsa in a manner which would well-nigh rend the heavens asunder. In this manner, God reveals that the lowly servants of that Messengersa are more exalted than the Israelite Messiah son of Mary. He who is provoked and angered by these words may die in his anger but God has done as He willed and He always does what He wills. What power does a man have to object as to why God did so? (Haqiqatul-Wahi, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 22, Pages 153-155)