References for the Death of Hadhrat Isa (as)
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References for the Death of Hadhrat Isa (as)

References for the Death of Hadhrat Isa (as)

Al Yawaqit Wal Jawahir : If Moses and Jesus were Alive they Would Accept Me

Yawaqit: If Jesus and Moses were Alive They would accept me

Ma Sabata Bil Sunnah : Rafa Towards Allah Used for the Prophet Muhammad (sa)

Rafa Towards Allah Used for the Prophet (sa)

Imam Shaltut Fatwa : Denying the Physical Ascension Does not Make one a Kafir

Imam Shaltut Fatwa

Tafsir Muraghi Fatwa : Meaning of Tawaffa

Imam Muraghi Tawaffa

Muhammad Abduh : Meaning of Tawaffa

Muhammad Abduh Meaning of Tawaffa

Muhammad Abduh : Meaning of Tawaffa and the Death of Isa (as)

Muhammad Abduh Meaning of Tawaffa

Imam Zamakshari Tafsir Kashaf : Meaning of Tawaffa

Tafsir Kashaf Imam Zamakshari : Meaning of Tawaffa

Taqdim and Takhir : Imam Razi's Explanation

Taqdim Takhir Imam Razi Explanation

Imam Razi Tafsir e Kabeer : Meaning of Rafa in Chapter 3 Verse 56

Rafa in 3:56 Imam Razi Explanation

Qamus : Meaning of Rafa from Lughat

Qamus : Rafa Meaning

Lisan ul Arab : Meaning of Rafa

Meaning of Rafa : Lisan ul Arab

Kanzul Ummal Hadith : One Who Does an Act of Humility is Raised to the Seventh Heaven

Kanzul Ummal : One who does an act of humility is raised to the seventh heaven

Meaning of Salaba : Lisan ul Arab

Lisan ul Arab : Meaning of Salaba

Mawahib ul Dunya Hadith : Was there Any Prophet Who Lived Forever Before Me?

Mawahib ul Dunya : Everlasting Prophet before Me

Sahih Bukhari : Different Complexions of the Two Messiahs

Different Complexions of the Messiah of Bani Israel and the Latter Day Messiah

Durr-e-Mansur : Sahaba Could not Accept the Death of Prophet Muhammad (sa)

Durr e Mansur : Death of Prophet Muhammad (sa) and Sahaba condition

Kanzul Ummal : Complexion of Messiah of Bani Israel

Kanzul Ummal : Complexion of Messiah of Bani Israel

Sahih al Bukhari : Ijma of the Sahaba on the Death of Hadhrat Isa (as)

Sahih Bukhari : Ijma of the Sahaba

Imam Rabbani : Follow the Sahaba

Imam Rabbani : Follow the Sahaba

Tabaqaat al Kabeer Death of Hadhrat Ali (Ra) : The Soul of Hadhrat Isa(as) was Raised

Hadhrat Ali (ra) : Soul of Isa (as) was Raised

Tafsir Khazan : Meaning of Mutawaffika

Tafsir Khazan : Meaning of Mutawaffika

Majmaul Bihar ul Anwar : Imam Malik and the Death of Hadhrat Isa (as)

Biharul Anwar : Imam Malik Death of Jesus (as)

Ibn Qayyim : Jesus (as) Ascending at the age of 33 is not Supported

Ibn Qayyim : Jesus Ascending at the age of 33 is Not Supported

Ibn Qayyim : If Moses and Jesus Were Alive They Would Have Followed Me

If Moses and Jesus were Alive They would have Followed me

Ibn Qayyim Zaad al Maad : The Prophet (sa) Met Souls in Miraj, Not Bodies

Zad al Maad : Ibn Qayyim the Prophet (Sa) Met Souls in Miraj, not Bodies

Fathul Bayan : Age of Ascension at 33 is not Supported, In Ahadith 120 is Mentioned

Fathul Bayan : No Ascension at 33, Age mentioned is 120

Fathul Qadeer : Tawaffa was Before Rafa

Tafsir Fathul Qadeer : Tawaffa was Before Rafa

Bahrul Muheet : Death Happened Before Rafa

Tafsir Bahrul Muheet : Tawaffa was Before Rafa

Majmaul Bayan : Surah Maidah Tawafffa is Death

Majmaul Bayan: Tawaffa in Surah Maidah is Death

Ibn Arabi : Rafa was of Soul and the Latter Day Descent is With a New Body

Ibn Arabi : Descent with a New Body

Muhammad Abduh : Meaning of Tawaffa for Hadhrat Isa (as)

Tawaffa Meaning for Muhammad Abduh

Stories of the Prophets, Mullah Baqir Majlisi : Death of Jesus (as)

Mullah Baqir Majlisi Death of Jesus (as)

Kashful Mahjoob : Hadhrat Muhammad (sa) Saw Souls in Miraj not Bodies

Kashful Mahjoob : He (sa) Saw Souls on Miraj

Qirat Qabla Mauthihim : Tafsir Tabari

Tafsir Tabari : Qabla Mauthihim Qiraat

Fathul Manan : Crucifixion and Qabla Mauthihi

Tafsir Fathul Manan: Qabla Mauthihim Qiraat

Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan and the Death of Hadhrat Isa (as)

Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan and the Death of Hadhrat Isa(as)

Abul Kalam Azad : Qabla Mauthihi Meaning

Abul Kalam Azad : Qabla Mauthihi

Ghulam Pervaiz and the Death of Hadhrat Isa (as)

Ghulam Pervaiz and the Death of Hadhrat Isa (as)

Maualana Maududi and the Rafa of Hadhrat Isa (as)

Maududi and the Rafa of Isa (as)

Sahih Bukhari : Ibn Abbas (Ra) Meaning of Mutawaffika

Ibn Abbas (ra) meaning of Mutawaffika

Sahih Bukhari : Meaning of Tawaffaitani from the Prophet Muhammad (sa)

Prophet Muhammad (sa) meaning of Tawaffaitani

Ibn Arabi (rh) Meaning of Tawaffaitani

Ibn Arabi (rh) meaning of Tawaffaitani

Rafa of Idris (as) from Ibn Arabi Fusus

Ibn Arabi (rh) Rafa for Idris (as)

Asbab e Nazul Hadith and the Death of Hadhrat Isa (as) : He (as) has Perished

Asbab e Nazul : Death of Isa (As), He Has Perished

Kanzul Ummal Hijrat Ahadith

Kanzul Ummal : Hijrat of the Messiah

Tafsir Qurtubi Hadith : Souls of All Prophets were Taken

Tafsir Qurtubi Narration : Souls of Prophets were taken

Sharh Zarqani : Souls of Prophets were Taken

Zarqani: Souls of Prophets were taken

Tafsir Ibn Kathir Hadith : Had Moses (as) and Isa (as) Been Alive They Would have Followed me

Tafsir Ibn Kathir Hadith : Had Moses (As) and Isa (as) been alive they would have followed me

Syed Qutb and the Death of Hadhrat Isa(as)

Syed Qutb and the Death of Hadhrat Isa(as)

Dure Mansur : Mutawaffika is Death but will Happen After

Mutawaffika is Death – Dure Mansur

Al Shafi Furoo e Kafi : Meaning of Tawaffaitani

Tawaffaitani is Death – Shafi Furoo e Kafi

Tareekh e Khulafa : Tawaffa Used for the Death of Hadhrat Muhammad (sa)

Tawaffa for the Death of the Prophet (sa)

Ruhul Mani : Death of Hadhrat Isa (as) , Then Raised to Heavens

Ruhul Mani : Death of Hadhrat Isa(as)

Fathul Qadeer : Tawaffa is Death, Scholars had to do Taweel

Scholars did Taweel of Tawaffa

Tafsir Tabari : Mutawaffika is Death

Tafsir Tabari : Mutawaffika is Death

Tafsir Jalalain with Hashiyah : Tawaffa is Death

Tafsir Jalalain with Hashiyah: Tawaffa is Death

Abdul Hameed Mufradat ul Qur'an Meaning of Tawaffa

Mufradat ul Quran : Meaning of Tawaffa

Fathul Manan Tawaffa is Death

Fathul Manan : Tawaffa is Death

Kanzul Iman : Meaning of Mutawaffika

Kanzul Iman : Mutawaffika Is I will Complete Your Age

Qisas ul Anbiya Ibn Kathir Urdu Tarjama : Meaning of Mutawaffika

Qisas ul Anbiya : Meaning of Mutawaffika

Ruh ul Bayan : Tawaffa then Raised Spiritually

Ruhul Bayan : Tawaffa is Death, Rafa is Spiritual Raise

Tafsir e Kabeer Imam Razi Meaning of Tawaffa

Meaning of Rafa Imam Razi Tafsir e Kabeer

Sahih Muslim Sharh : Some say Rafa of Isa(as) is Spiritual

Some say Rafa of Isa(as) is Spiritual

Mufradat Imam Raghib : Meaning of Rafa

Imam Raghib : Meaning of Rafa

Tajul Urus : Meaning of Rafa

Tajul Urus : Meaning of Rafa

Bahrul Muheet : Meaning of Rafa

Bahrul Muheet : Meaning of Rafa

Mishkat : Rafa Used for Spiritual Raise

Mishkat : Rafa is Used as Spiritual Raise

Sahih Bukhari Dua of Rafa by the Prophet Muhammad (sa)

Bukhari : Dua of the Prophet (sa) of Rafa

Sahih Bukhari : Allah Raises Some People and Humiliates Others

Bukhari : Allah Raises Some People and Humiliates Others

Kanzul Ummal : The Prophet (sa) Dua of Rafa and Usage of Rafa

Kanzul Ummal : Dua of Rafa

Ibn Maja Dua of Rafa Between Sajdahs

Ibn Maja Dua Between Two Sajdahs of Rafa

Sahih Bukhari : Meaning of Nuzool

Bukhari  : Usage of Nuzool

Tajul Urus : Meaning of Tawaffa

Tajul Urus : Meaning of Tawaffa

Qamus : Meaning of Tawaffa

Tajul Urus : Meaning of Tawaffa

Asas ul Balagha : Meaning of Tawaffa

Meaning of Tawaffa

Lisan ul Arab : Meaning of Tawaffa

Meaning of Tawaffa Lisan ul Arab

Munjid : Meaning of Tawaffa

Meaning of Tawaffa

Aqrabul Mawarid: Meaning of Tawaffa

Aqrabul Mawarid : Meaning of Tawaffa

Mufradat : Meaning of Tawaffa

Mufradat : Meaning of Tawaffa

Kuliyat : Meaning of Tawaffa

Kuliyat : Meaning of Tawaffa

Mustadrak : Meaning of Tawaffa

Mustadrak : Meaning of Tawaffa

Muwatta Imam Malik : Tawaffa Usage for Abu Bakr (ra)

Muwatta Usage of Tawaffa for Abu Bakr (ra)

Bukhari : Tawaffa Used for the Death of the Prophet (sa)

Bukhari : Usage of Tawaffa for the Death of Hadhrat Isa (as)

Yawaqit Wal Jawahir : Dua with Tawaffa

Yawaqit Wal Jawahir Dua of Tawaffa

Sanaullah Amritsari : Mutawaffika and Tawaffaitani Mean Death

Sanaullah : Mutawaffika and Tawaffaitani mean Death

Khala from Dictionaries

Khala Meaning from Dictionaries

Khala Used in Poetry as Death

Khala Used as Death in Poetry

Fathul Bayan : Prophets of the Past have Already Passed Away

Fathul Bayan : Prophets of the Past Have Passed away

Abul Kalam Azad : Prophets of the Past have already Died

Abul Kalam Azad : Previous Prophets have died

Tafsir Tabari : The Past Prophets Have Already Died

Past Prophets have Already Died

Bahrul Muheet : Past Prophets have Already Died

Past Prophets have Already Died

Imam Zamakshari : Prophets of the Past have Died

Prophets of the Past have died

Tafsir Kabeer Imam Razi : Past Prophets have Died

Past Prophets have died

Kanzul Ummal : Past Prophets have Died

Kanzul Ummal Past Prophets Have Died

Ijma of Sahaba from Sahih Bukhari

Ijma of Sahaba from Bukhari

Bahrul Muheet : Substitution Theory

Bahrul Muheet : Substitution Theory

Tafsir e Kabeer Imam Razi : Substitution Theory is False

Substitution Theory is False

Tafsir Bahrul Muheet : If Moses and Jesus were Alive They Would Have Accepted Me

If Moses and Jesus were Alive – Bahrul Muheet

Imam Razi Tafsir e Kabeer : All Prophets Died by the Time the Prophet (Sa) Came

All Prophets Died by the time the Prophet (Sa) came

Mubahisa Shah Jahanpur : If Moses and Jesus were Alive

If Moses and Jesus were Alive

Ma Sabata Bi Sunnah : Jesus (as) Died at 125

Jesus Died at the age of 125

Kanzul Ummal : Death of Jesus Age 120

Death of Jesus Kanzul Ummal Age of Jesus (as) is 120

Zarqani : Jesus (as) Was Raised at the Age of 120

Zarqani : Age of Jesus (As) was 120 When he was Raised

Imam Baihaqi : Accepts Narration of Hazrat Isa (as) Dying at the Age of 120

Imam Baihaqi accepts narration of Hazrat Isa (as) dying at 120 but interprets it to mean that he would complete this age in his second coming

Subalul Huda : Narration of Isa (as) Dying at 120 is Authentic

Subalul Huda : Narration of Hazrat Isa (as) Dying at 120 is Authentic

Mujam al Kabir : Age of Jesus was 120

Mujam Al Kabir : Jesus (as) was 120 years of age

Maqasid ul-Hassanah : Hazrat Isa (as) Died at 120 Narration is Authentic

Maqasid ul-Hassanah : Hazrat Isa (as) Died at 120 Narration is Authentic

Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani : Narration of Isa (as) Dying at 120 Is Hassan

Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani : Narration of Hazrat Isa (as) dying at the age of 120 is hassan and there is a difference of opinion in the ummah on his age of rafa

Nawwab Siddiq Hassan Khan : Hazrat Isa (as) Dying at 120 Hadith Has Authentic Narrators

Nawwab Siddiq Hassan Khan : Hazrat Isa (as) Dying at 120 Hadith Has Authentic Narrators

Sahih Muslim : No One Alive Today Will be Alive Hundred Years from Now

Sahih Muslim : No One Living Today will be alive 100 years from now

Musnad Ahmad : No One Who is Alive Today Will be Alive in Hundred Years from Now

Musnad Ahmad : No One Alive Today will be Alive Hundred Years from Today

Sahih Bukhari : No one Alive Today Will be Alive Hundred Years From Now

Sahih Bukhari : No one Alive Today Will be Alive Hundred Years From Now

Sahih Bukhari : Curse be on the Jews and Christians who Made Graves of their Prophets Mosques

Curse be on the Jews and Christians who Made Graves of their Prophets Mosques

Kamal ul Din : Hadhrat Isa (as) was Raised After Death

Death, then Rafa

Maqalat : Death of Jesus (as)

Maqalat Death of Jesus(as)

Ikmal ul Din : Yuz Asaf Travelled and Reached Kashmir

Ikmal Ul Din : Yuz Asaf Travelled and Reached Kashmif

Kashmir Described by Sir Francis

Sir Francis Describes Kashmir

Imam Fakhruddin al-Razi : All Messengers Have Passed Away

Imam Fakhruddin al-Razi includes all messengers in those who passed away before the Prophet (sa)

Yuz Asaf Grave : Rozabal Line

Yuz Asaf Grave

Qisas ul Anbiya : Meaning of Masih

Qisas ul Anbiya Meaning of Messiah

Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab : Incident with Apostates, Death of Isa(as) Mentioned

Bahrain Jarud Incident Death of Hadhrat Isa(as)

Maqatil Bin Sulaiman on Tawaffaitani

Maqatil Bin Sulaiman on Tawaffaitani

Hayat ul Quloob Death of Hadhrat Isa (as)

Hayat ul Quloob : Death of Isa(as)

Muhammad Ghazali : Death of Isa (as)

Death of Isa (as) Muhammad Ghazali

Sahih Bukhari : Prophet (sa) saw Hadhrat Isa (as) in Miraj

Miraj from Bukhari

Kanzul Ummal Miraj

Kanzul Ummal Miraj

Zad ul Maad and Kashful Mahjoob : He (sa) Never Saw with Physical Eyes in Miraj

Physical Eyes Miraj

Ikmal ul Ikmal Sharh Sahih Muslim : Imam Malik Death of Isa (as)

Ikmal ul Ikmal Imam Malik Death of Isa (As)

Ibn Hazm and the Death of Hadhrat Isa(as)

Ibn Hazm and the Death of Isa (as)

Ibn Hazm : Souls of Prophets in Heaven Not Bodies

Ibn Hazm Souls of Prophets are in heaven

Ibn Hazm : There is a Difference of Opinion on the Coming of the Messiah

Ibn Hazm : There is a difference on the coming of the messiah

Ubaidullah SIndhi : Life of Isa(as) Not Supported by Qur'an or Ahadith

Life of Isa(as) is not Supported

Tafsir Mazhari : Qabla Mauthihi

Tafsir Mazhari : Qabla Mauthihi

Rashid Rida : Isa (as) Going to India is Not Out of the Ordinary

Jesus in India

Ibn Tamiyya Death of Hadhrat Isa(as) : Tawaffa of Isa (as) and Mosa (as) Put Together

Tawaffa of Isa (as) And Mosa (as) put together

Ibn Taymiyyah : Tawaffa for Hadhrat Isa (as) is Death

Tawaffa for Isa (as) is Wafat (Death)

Ibn Taymiyyah : All Messengers Before the Prophet Muhammad (sa) have Passed Away

All Messengers Before the Prophet (sa) Passed away

Ibn Taymiyyah Hadith : If Moses and Isa were Alive they Would Accept the Prophet (sa)

If Moses (as) And Isa (as) were alive, they would have accepted the Prophet (sa)

Wahiduddin Khan Viewpoint

Viewpoint of Wahiduddin Khan sahib

Ahmad Raza Khan: Life and Death of Isa(as) is a Disputed Matter

Life and Death of Isa(as) is a disputed matter

Imam Wardi : Different Viewpoints on the Second Coming

Imam Wardi : Different Viewpoints on the Second Coming

Maulana Maududi Commentary of Chapter 16 Verses 21-22

Maududi Commentary of Chapter 16 verses 21-22

Sharh Muslim Imam Nawawi : Majority of Commentators Said Mauthihi Refers to Kitabi

Sharh Muslim Imam Nawawi : Majority say Mauthihi Refers to the Kitabi

Shaykh Uthaymeen : All Messengers Before Prophet Muhammad (sa) Passed Away

Shaykh Uthaymeen : All Messengers Before the Prophet Muhammad (sa) Passed Away

Kitab Bad wal Tarikh Maqdisi : Difference on Nuzul-e-Isa

Kitab Bad Wa’l Tarikh : Difference on Nuzul

Ibn Khaldun : Group Believed Messiah would be the Mahdi and a Mujadid from the Ummah

Ibn Khaldun : Group Believed Messiah would be the Mahdi and a Mujadid from the Ummah

Ubaidullah Sindhi Sahib Denies Physical Ascension

Ubaidullah Sindhi sahib denies physical ascension of Isa (as)

Al-Bayan Wal-Tahseel : Imam Malik Believed in the Death of Isa (as)

Imam Malik and the death of Isa (as)

Abdul Barr al-Tamheed: Chain for Imam Malik (ra) and Death of Isa (as)

Abdul Barr: Chain for Imam Malik and Death of Isa (as)