Read moreFirstly, it is clear that in no way does the fact that Isaas was not killed or crucified, suggest that heas is alive in the heavens. This same ayah can apply to even the Holy Prophetsaw who was neither killed nor crucified and was also raised. This applies to many prophets and many righteous people who have passed.
This verse is one of the ayahs in the Qur’an which has such a confusion on many non Ahmadis sadly but this can easily be cleared up once the Qur’an is read in context. This verse in context and many other ayahs in context as well need to be read to understand this ayah.
Read moreFirstly, the argument of the non Ahmadi Muslims that this refers that Isaas is alive, has no basis at all. In this verse, no where has Allah stated that Isaas will be a sign of the hour and that the hour will come soon.
Read moreRead moreThis verse in no way whatsoever has anything to prove that Jesus (as) is alive. Allah is simply replying to the Christians who consider Isa(As) to be a god since he has no abilities to protect himself from divine wrath.
This ayah is totally used out of context and is misinterpreted. This ayah is actually referring to the hearts and minds of the people. The prophets will admit the rejection they faced but will plead to their ignorance in regards to the hearts of the people.
Read moreNon Ahmadis have tried to use this ayah to state that Allah has said that Isa(As) will speak in the cradle and in the middle age, but because he went to the heavens, he was unable to speak during the middle age.
Read moreSo their claim for trying to use this to prove Isa(as) being alive is already proven as a failed attempt and would mean that all prophets are alive who have not seen the Qur’an as this ayah states Book and Wisdom for all of the prophets.
Read moreThe non Ahmadis try to quote this ayah to state that the word kafafu refers to the opponents touching Jesus(as) and could not put him on the cross however this is totally basis as well. In the Qur’an Allah has stated in regards to the Believers in Chapter 5 verse 12:
Read moreAllah can do anything He wants but never would He go against His words of the Qur’an in which He clearly has stated that once a person dies never do they return.
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