Firstly, before I answer this article full of false allegations, I openly challenge Azthebaz to a debate. He has been ignoring me for a really long time now and is afraid to discuss from the Qur’an and ahadith. Moving forward, let us address his false lies against the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his Messiah, Hadhrat Ahmad(as).
He firstly states that a key belief in Islam is that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is the last Prophet sent by God. Now the issue arises in regards to what this truly means. Majority of Sunni and Shias are still waiting for a Prophet to come till today. They claim the Holy Prophet(saw) is the last Prophet, but at the same time say that Hadhrat Isa(as) is alive in the heavens and will return as a Prophet. Here is our difference. They contradict themselves with such a view, while we make it clear that the Prophet(saw) is the last law bearing Prophet, and that the latter day Messiah would also be a Ummati Nabi.
He quotes Surah al Ahzab verse 40, which all Ahmadi Muslims accept and love.
Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) states:
“The charge advanced against me and my Jama‘at, that we do not believe in the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as the Seal of Prophets, is altogether false. The strength, certainty, comprehension and insight with which we acknowledge and believe in the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as the Seal of the Prophets, cannot even be dreamed of by the other Muslims; they do not have the capacity to comprehend the reality and the mystery comprised in the Seal of Prophethood. They have merely heard an expression from their ancestors but they are unaware of its import and do not know what it signifies and what is meant by believing in it. But we believe with full comprehension—and God Almighty knows this well—that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the Seal of the Prophets. God Almighty has disclosed the reality of the Seal of Prophethood in such a manner that we derive special delight from its contemplation which cannot be conceived of by anyone except those who have drunk deep at this fountain.” [Malfuzat, vol. 1, pp. 342-343]
The second verse he misquoted was of Sural al Maidah, which all Ahmadi Muslims accept. The religion is no doubt complete. Hadhrat Ahmad(as) did not come to change the religion, rather he came to revive it. This verse in reality supports Ahmadi Muslims as the non Ahmadi Muslims make it seem as if Islam is not perfect and needs a Prophet from outside of the ummah to revive us. They believe that this ummah which Allah calls the best ummah, is so horrible that it cannot produce a single Prophet while other nations produced many.
Next he misquotes a hadith in regards to a building. It is answered here :
After this he misquotes a few more ahadith which are all answered here :
For example, he misquotes the Aaron and Moses hadith, which is answered here in depth from their own scholars
His evidences were weak, unclear, and deceptive and contradicted his own beliefs. He tried so hard to prove that no Prophet whatsoever can come, but forgot that he himself is waiting for a Prophet till today. When we read the farewell sermon we see that the Prophet(saw) was emphasizing that Islam is the final religion and no new law bearing prophet can come as we are the last ummah. This does not contradict or go against our view in any way whatsoever.
He then quoted some scholars who also believe Isa(as) would come as a Prophet. Regardless, here are some scholars which support our view:
Now the author lies and calls the position of Isa(as) being alive in the heavens orthodox. This is not an orthodox position, rather all sahaba believed in the death of Isa(as). The concept of him being alive in the heavens is nowhere from the Qur’an nor from the ahadith.
Now he went on to mistranslate two ayahs of the Qur’an. Chapter 4 verse 157 and 3:55 and both are on answered in depth. In fact, I challenge him to a debate on these two verses alone. It is obvious he would never be able to accept.
He further went on to lie that Hadhrat Ahmad(as) abrogated Jihad.
He mistranslated and lied about many of the references he had copy pasted from anti Ahmadi hate sites. I guarantee he never read a single book of the Messiah(as) nor any of those quotes in context. Hadhrat Ahmad(as) is only referring to the false notion of Jihad believed by the extremist Muslims of today.
He goes on to lie about the passing of Hadhrat Ahmad(as) and his challenge to Maulvi Thanaullah who had been humiliated by God. This too, he did not read as he was too scared to see the truth:
He then went on to lie about the passing of Hadhrat Ahmad(as) with cholera.
I realize this author is jealous of the billboards in the UK and all I can tell him is that this is just the beginning and In sha Allah he will start to see billboards everywhere he walks. He might not accept Ahmadiyyat but his future generations will certainly join the fold of the truth Islam.
The author asked four silly questions. I reply to him with the following questions:
He will never be able to answer. According to his logic, since we do not have these answers to the Prophets, all Prophets should be alive in the heavens according to the anti Ahmadi. Just because such information is not recorded, it does not mean they are alive in the heavens. Even for our great grandparents, such information is not recorded. Does it mean all of them are alive in the heavens? Qur’an is clear on the death of Isa(as) and I challenge you once again to discuss on this topic.
Note how the author says “I have also found it not worthwhile or productive to debate Ahmadis on theological issues”. What he really meant was “I have also noticed that we should not debate Ahmadis on theological issues because we cannot answer them”
Ahmadiyyat is the true Islam and I pray for the guidance of all.
“For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.” (Quran 109:6)