A beautiful prophecy of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas which was a great sign for the Sikh people, was the prophecy of Prince Dalip Singh. This prophecy is beautifully explained by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra who states:
” It so happened that when the British annexed the Punjab they decided for obvious political and psychological reasons to send away to England the young heir to the Sikh throne, Prince Dalip Singh. He was to stay there until British rule became established in the Punjab. After the mutiny of 1857, however, the last vestiges of the Mughal power in Delhi disappeared and everything seemed safe for the British. Raja Dalip Singh expressed a desire to return home and it even began to be rumoured that the Prince was really returning. Hazrat Mirza Sahib, however, had a revelation that the Prince would not return. He informed many people about it, especially Hindus. In one of his leaflets he predicted that a returning Punjab prince was going to encounter trouble. At the time of the publication of this prophecy nobody imagined that the Prince’s return home would be stopped; in fact, it was understood that he would soon set foot on his native soil. But just about this time the British Government changed their mind. They decided that the Prince’s return would be dangerous for the Government. As the news of his return spread, the Sikhs became more and more restive. Their thoughts turned to the recent past. The British authorities began to fear trouble. The steamer which carried the returning Prince reached Aden. He was stopped at Aden and ordered back to England. The news of this last-minute change came when everybody was expecting the Prince back home. The Sikhs felt very resentful. The Might of God showed itself. God becomes aware of the thoughts of men before they themselves become aware of their thoughts.” (Invitation to Ahmadiyyat, Prophecy no.6)
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas states:
“When it was widely rumoured that Daleep Singh was arriving in the Punjab, I was shown [in a vision] that Daleep Singh would fail in his intention, and would never set foot in India. I told this vision to Lala Sharampat, an Arya who lived in Qadian, as well as to several other Hindus and Muslims. I also published an announcement that was printed and distributed in February 1882. And this is exactly what happened. Daleep Singh had to turn back from Aden, and his honour and comfort were seriously jeopardized, exactly as I had already told hundreds of people.” (Nuzul-ul-Masih, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 18, Page 604)
He also stated:
” I had told several Hindus and Muslims of several towns that by the person of Punjabi origin was meant Dalip Singh concerning whom it had been given out that he would arrive in the Punjab but I foretold that he would be disappointed in this hope and that he would encounter difficulties in this journey threatening his comfort, honour, or life… In the end, in accordance with this prophecy, he suffered much inconvenience, trouble, suffering and humiliation and failed in his purpose.” (Appendix Surmah Chashm-e-Aryah, Page 4, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 2, Page 318 and Majumu’a Ishtiharat, Volume 1, Page 131)
” The person mentioned in the announcement of February 20, 1886 as a nobleman of Punjabi origin was Dalip Singh. This was conveyed to more than five hundred Hindus and Muslims in various towns before the event and the announcement of February 20, 1886 was distributed in distant lands. Then all that was announced about Dalip Singh in advance was fulfilled.” (Surmah Chashm-e-Aryah, Page 188, Ruhani Khazain Volume 2, Page 236)