Another great revelation of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas was the revealed sermon. This entire sermon was a revelation of Allah and was truly eloquent in Arabic and full of wisdom. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas stated:
” On the morning of 11th April, 1900, the day of Eid-ulAdha, I received a revelation, ‘Today you shall make a speech in Arabic. You are given the power’. This was followed by the revelation:
This means, that the Gracious God has endowed this address with eloquence. The following people were immediately apprised of this revelation: The Late Maulavi ‘Abdul Karim Sahib, Maulavi Hakim Nuruddin Sahib, Shaikh Rahmatullah Sahib, Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib, Maulavi Muhammad ‘Ali Sahib M.A., Master ‘Abdul Rahman Sahib, Master Sher ‘Ali Sahib B.A., Hafiz ‘Abdul ‘Ali, and many others. Accordingly, I stood up after Eid prayer to deliver the Eid sermon in Arabic. God Almighty knows that the capacity was bestowed upon me from the unseen and the eloquent Arabic address that proceeded extemporarily from my mouth was definitely beyond my power. I cannot imagine that anyone in the world can deliver such a speech, extending over so many pages, with such eloquence and without the help of Divine revelation. This Arabic address, which has been named Khutbah Ilhamiyyah [The Revealed Sermon], was delivered to an audience of about two hundred people. All praise is due to God. It seemed as if a fountain had begun to flow from the unseen, and I knew not whether it was I who was speaking or whether it was an angel speaking through my tongue. I knew only that I had no part in this address. Sentence after sentence issued from my mouth and each one was for me a sign. These sentences have been published by the name of The Revealed Sermon. Read this book and you will realize how impossible it is for someone to stand up and extemporarily deliver such a long speech in Arabic. This is a miracle of a literary nature that God has shown, and no one can present anything like it.” (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 22, Pages 375-376)
He also stated:
” On the morning of the day of ‘Idul-Adha502 [the Festival of Sacrifices] I received the revelation:
[Urdu] Say something in Arabic.
This was communicated to several friends. I had never made a speech in Arabic before. When on that day I stood up to deliver the ‘Id sermon in Arabic, God Almighty made a clear and eloquent Arabic address flow from my tongue which was pregnant with meaning and which is set out in the book entitled Khutbah Ilhamiyyah [Revealed Sermon]. The address extends over several juzw and was made spontaneously in one continuous delivery. God has called it a Sign in His revelation, for the address was delivered entirely under the influence of divine power. I do not believe that any Arabic orator, scholar or literary figure, can deliver such a speech extempore.”(Nuzulul-Masih, Page 210, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 18, Page 588)
He also states:
” On the morning of April 11, 1900, the day of ‘IdulAdha [the Festival of Sacrifices], I received a revelation:
[Urdu] Deliver an address in Arabic today, you have been bestowed the capacity.
This was followed by the revelation:
That is [Arabic] This address has been made eloquent by God Almighty…
“Thereupon, I stood up after the ‘Id Prayer to deliver the address in Arabic. God Almighty knows that the capacity was bestowed upon me from the unseen and the eloquent Arabic address proceeded from my mouth extempore, which was utterly beyond my capacity. I cannot imagine that, without the help of special divine revelation, a speech which extended over several juzw could be delivered [extempore] at such level of fluency and eloquence by anyone, unless it was first recorded on paper. This Arabic address has been named Khutbah Ilhamiyyah and it was delivered to an audience of about two-hundred. Subhanallah [Holy is Allah]. A fountain was at that time bursting forth from the unseen. I do not know whether it was I who was speaking or an angel speaking with my tongue. I knew only that I had no part in this address. Sentence after sentence issued from my mouth, already properly arranged and every sentence was a Sign for me…. This is a literary miracle exhibited by God and no one can match it.” (Haqiqatul-Wahi, Pages 362-363, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 22, Pages 375-376)