Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas stated:
I saw in a vision that a large number of grievous deaths had created an impression as if the Judgment Day had arrived and the divine revelation issued from my mouth:
[Urdu] There is death everywhere.
This prophecy which was to have an impression like Judgement Day was fulfilled by an earthquake which ocurred on April, 4, 1905. Many newspapers went to the extent of describing it as an example of the Judgement Day. Vakil of Amritsar wrote:
” This earthquake was so awe-inspiring and terror-striking that it would be no exaggeration to call it the lesser judgment. When it was demonstrating the wrath of Allah the Most Supreme, people generally believed that the Judgment Day had arrived.”
Ahmadas confirmed that this was indeed the fulfillment of the prophecy as he stated:
” This is a Judgment. Those who do not believe in the Judgment Day can see how a whole world can be destroyed in a second….”
He further stated:
This morning I was busy writing this article and had just mentioned my revelation which is set out in the Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah:
[Urdu] A warner came into the world and the world did not accept him but God will accept him and will establish his truth by powerful attacks.
I was just writing these words and was about to set out proofs thereof when suddenly the earthquake struck. This is a powerful attack. The prophecy speaks of attacks in the plural which in Arabic signifies at least three. I am, therefore, apprehensive which other type of attack besides plague and earthquake God Almighty will mount as proof of my truth” (Al-Badr, New Series Volume 1, No.1, April 6, 1905 Page 6)