Messiah To Come In The 14th Century
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Messiah To Come In The 14th Century

References for the Coming of the Messiah from Saints and Scholars of Islam

Thread: The Muslim Ummah is waiting for the Imam Mahdi. In this thread, I will be sharing references of the early and modern-day scholars who testified to the coming of the Imam Mahdi around the thirteenth and fourteenth century Hijri. The references are from the following individuals who went through extreme hardship in finding these references:

  1. Maulana Dhost Muhammad Shahid Sahib
  2. H.M Tariq Sahib
  3. Maulvi Muhammad Azam Sahib
  4. Ahmad Butt Sahib
  5. Qazi Nazir Sahib

May Allah Bless them all

The non-Ahmadi Muslim scholars are so frustrated that they are now telling Muslims to stop waiting for the Imam Mahdi:

The Prophet Muhammad (sa) prophesied that the signs will come after the 200 years. The 200 years refer to the 200 years after the 1000 years:

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  1. In the book Najm al-Saqib, the words of Hadrat Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman (ra) who was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (sa) are recorded. It is written:

“It is in a hadith from Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman that the Messenger of Allah (sa) stated: ‘When 1240 years pass, Allah will send the Imam Mahdi” (Najmus Saqib, Page 209)

He is narrating this from the Prophet Muhammad (sa) which shows us that this time as already passed and was the time of Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).

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  1. The son of Hadrat Ali (ra), Hadrat Muhammad Ibn al-Hanafiyya (rh) passed away in 78 AH. He stated:

“Imam Mahdi would appear after the 200 years” referring to 200 years after the 1000 years. (Isha’ah li-Ashraat al-Sa’ah, Page 345)

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  1. Hadrat Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq (rh) passed away in AH Hijri. His view is recorded by Nurul Hassan Khan sahib in Iqtiraab ul-Sa’ah. He stated :

“The Imam Mahdi will come out after 200 Hijri years, meaning after the 1000 years” (Iqtiraab ul-Sa’ah, Page 221)

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  1. Hadrat Abu Qabeel (rh) was a authentic tabi and his view is recorded in the book of Hadrat Ibn Hajr al-Haytami (rh). He narrated from sahaba like Hadrat Abdullah bin Umar (ra) and Hadrat Amr bin al-Aas (ra). He passed away in 168 AH. His famous statement is as follows:

“It is the consensus of the people that the Imam Mahdi will appear in the year 204, meaning after the 1000 years, and that is what is mentioned in the narration” (Al-Qaul al-Mukhtasir fi Alamaat al-Mahdi al-Muntazir, p. 59)

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  1. This was such a popular narration that it was even mentioned by Hadrat Nuaim bin Hammad (rh) who passed away in 228 AH

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This same statement is also mentioned by Imam al-Suyuti and Nawab Siddiq Hassan Khan sahib

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  1. This view of the Imam Mahdi arriving during this time is also proven by a qaul of Ibn Abbas (ra) which says the age of the earth is 7000 years. Based on this, the Imam Mahdi must have come by now. Imam Suyuti (rh) also mentioned that the age of the ummah will not exceed 1500 years which shows the downfall must happen much before this. Nawab Siddiq Hassan Khan quotes Ibn Abbas (ra) and says its an authentic narration that the age of the earth is 7000 years:

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  1. Hadrat Ibn Arabi (rh) who passed away in 628 Hijri explained that the Imam Mahdi would come after Hijrah and Fa Kha Jim. Through Huroof-e-Abjad, this gives us the exact time of Hadrat Ahmad (as). This is mentioned by the famous Ibn Khaldun (rh).

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  1. Ibn Arabi (rh) gives us the following:

ه 5

ج 3

ر 200

ت 400

هجرت 608

خ 600

ف 80

ج 3

خ + ف + ج 683

608 + 683 = 1291 Hijri which is the year 1874

  1. It is also for this reason that Khawaja Hassan Nizami who passed away in mentioned that Ibn Arabi (rh) believed the Imam Mahdi would come in the year 1335 Hijri A black and white page with text

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  1. Hadrat Shah Nimatullah Wali (rh) who passed away in 834 AH prophesied the coming of the Imam Mahdi in his qaseedah. It is mentioned in the book Nishan-e-Asmani by Hadrat Ahmad (as) as a sign of his truthfulness as well. Hadrat Shah Nimatullah Wali (rh) writes:

Immediately after the passage of twelve hundred years, I see terrible things happening. (The Thirteenth century of Hijra)

I see revolts, wars, disorder and injustice, Within the land and on its borders.

I see the face of the moon darkened And the heart of the sun I see wounded (Eclipses)

I find India in a wretched state I see the tyrannies of the Turks and the destruction.

I see the name of that illustrious personage written And I read: Alif, Ha, Mim, and Dal (The name of Imam Mahdi will be Ahmad)

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  1. In the book Tarikh Balochistan, this poem is also mentioned:

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  1. Hadrat Imam Suyuti (rh), who passed away in 911 AH wrote in his poem:

“In the last hundreds of years, Isa (as) the Prophet of Allah will come with signs”

He also mentioned that after him there would be no mujadid, which hints to his Khilafat.

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Anti-Ahmadis said that this is a misquote and here Imam al-Suyuti said 100’s of years and not 200 years. This is true. However, from his own books we see that here he referred to 100’s of years to mean the 14th century. Firstly, he believed Islam will not pass 1500 years:

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Then in his book regarding Zahoor-e-Mahdi, he makes it clear that Imam Mahdi would come in 1404 Hijri as he quotes Abu Qabeel and gives the years hinting to the exact time of Hadrat Ahmad (as):

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  1. Hadrat Imam Abdul Wahab Shirani (rh), who passed away in 973 AH said that the Imam Mahdi would appear in 1255 AH:

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He also wrote: “The signs of the Day of Judgement which were reported by the Prophet Muhammad (sa) are true and must occur before the Day of Judgement. And these signs are the coming of the Imam Mahdi, the Dajjal, then the Messiah and the Beast of the earth and the rising of the sun from the west and the Qur’an being raised and the opening of Gog and Magog. Even if one day remains, all of these signs will be fulfilled”

Then he writes: “The period of weakness of religion will begin after 1130 AH. At that time, the emergence of the Mahdi will be awaited. And he will be from the descendants of Imam Hassan Askari and the time of his birth will be after 255 (after the 1000 years). (1255 AH)

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  1. Hadrat Ala al-Din ‘Ali ibn ‘Abd-al-Malik Husam al-Din al-Muttaqi al-Hindi who passed away in 975 AH also quoted the view of Abu Qabeel (rh) and accepted that the time of the Mahdi will be the 13th century Hijri:

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  1. Hadrat Mullah Ali Qari (rh), who passed away in 1013 AH stated that the hadith regarding the signs coming after 200 years refer to the signs after the 1000 years and this was to be the time when the Imam Mahdi and Messiah appear

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  1. Shaikh Bahai who passed away in 1030 AH prophesied : “Within one thousand and three hundred (1300 AH) I see two eclipses of the moon and sun and I see the signs of the Mahdi and the Dajjal”

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  1. Hadrat Imam al-Barzanji, who passed away in 1123 AH concluded that the Imam Mahdi would appear in the start of the 12th century or in the 13th century of Hijrah. Nawab Noorul Hassan Khan wrote this view as well.

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  1. In the Sharh of Ibn Maja by Allama Sindhi, also known as Al-Imam abi al-Hassan al-Hanafi, who passed away in 1138 AH, it is written that the hadith which says ‘signs will appear after the 200 years’, the 200 years can refer to 200 years after 1000 years

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  1. Hadrat Shah Waliullah Muhadith Dehlvi (rh) who passed away in 1176 AH said that the time of the Imam Mahdi is found in the word “Chiragh Din’ which is 1268 AH (1852):

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Shah Waliullah Muhadith Dehlvi (rh) who was the Mujadid of the 12th century and passed away in 1176 AH also said : “My Lord has informed me that the Day of Judgement has drawn near and the Imam Mahdi is ready to appear”

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  1. Hadrat Maulana Sanaullah Panipati (rh) who passed away in 1225 AH writes:

“The scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah think that the Imam Mahdi will appear in the beginning of the 13th century”

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  1. Another Mujadid of the 12th century, who passed away in 1233 AH (1817) and was the Mujadid in Nigera also prophesied that the coming of the Imam Mahdi is near:

إنفاق الميسور في تاريخ بلاد التكرور

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  1. Hadrat Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlvi (rh) passed away in the year 1239 AH and was the son of Hadrat Shah Waliullah Muhadith Dehlvi (rh). He wrote :

“The signs of the day of Judgement will appear after the third year of 1200 years. Their opponents also say that the Mahdi will come in the beginning of the century”

He is mentioning the Sunni view here while refuting the Shia

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  1. Hadrat Shah Ismail Shahid sahib (rh) who passed away in 1246 AH wrote in the end of Arbaeen regarding Shah Abdul Aziz sahib Dehlvi (rh) : “According to Shah Abdul Aziz after 1200 AH, we should wait for the Imam Mahdi and he will be born in the beginning of the century”

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  1. Hadrat Muhammad Abdul Aziz Parharvi, who passed away in 1239 Hijri stated:

“In the year 1311 in the 14th century of Hijrah, when the moon and the sun will be eclipsed in the same month, it will constitute a Sign for the appearance of the Promised Mahdi as well as the Antichrist.”

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  1. Sheikh Ali Asgar al-Barujardi (rh) passed away in 1274 AH and he also accepted that this would be the time of the Imam Mahdi. He wrote:

“If the word ‘sargi’ numerals are checked (1300), and if I remain alive, there will be a revival of the religion of Islam”

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  1. Sheikh Waliddduin Abu Abdullah al-Khateeb al-Tabrezi wrote the Sharh of Mishkaat al-Masabih and also accepted that this was to be the time of the Imam Mahdi and Messiah. He passed away in 1872 (1289 AH)

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  1. Hadrat Pir Kot sahib (rh) passed away in 1296 AH and he prophesied that the Imam Mahdi has been born but has not yet appeared:

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  1. Then another follower who did bayah of Hadrat Pir Kot sahib (rh) mentioned the same and Hadrat Ahmad (as) mentioned these saints.

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  1. Hafiz Ghulam Haleem passed away in 1302 AH and said that in 100 years, the signs of Qiyamah will appear:

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  1. The Shia scholar Allama Mumin bin Hassan Shablanji passed away in 1308 AH. He said that the Imam Mahdi would appear in 1255 AH quoting Imam Shirani (rh):

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  1. Muhammad Yaqub Nanotwi who passed away in 1302 AH mentioned that the people who were truthful ones and received visions said that the Imam Mahdi will come during the next century and the signs of the Day of Judgement will manifest:

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  1. The famous Nawab Siddiq Hassan Khan passed away in 1308 AH and has mentioned the Mahdi and his signs in detail in Hijajul Kiramah and says the coming of the Imam Mahdi is really near and the signs also hint to it:

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  1. Maulana Abdul Ghafoor sahib writes that this is actually the time of the Imam Mahdi:

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  1. The famous Rahmatullah Kairanvi sahib who passed away in 1309 AH wrote:

“In these recent times, no one should fall into doubt with regards to the great numbers of Christianity because our Prophet Muhammad (sa) gave us this news that in the time of the Mahdi (ra), this nation will be the majority, and this time is very near In sha Allah. The coming of the Mahdi is near and the truth will prevail and the religion will only be for Allah”

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  1. Hadrat Syed Muhammad Hassan Sahib Amrohi who passed away 1323 AH also accepted that the signs of the Imam Mahdi have been fulfilled:

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  1. Syed Abdul Hayy sahib who passed away in 1340 AH also accepted that the signs of the Imam Mahdi have passed and that he should arrive in the 14th century:

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  1. The Deobandi scholar Muhammad Ashiq mentioned the visions of Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri, who passed away in 1346 AH. In his book, he mentions that many people were awaiting the coming of the Imam Mahdi during this time. I have mentioned this reference in my videos refuting Deobandis who are still silent on this:

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  1. Ashraf Ali Thanvi who passed away in 1362 AH also accepted that this was the time of the Imam Mahdi and that the elders had visions regarding his coming during this time. In the first reference, he says that the elders in Mecca are waiting for the Imam Mahdi and also says ones who are famous for their visions in Mecca have said there are one or two years remaining with regards to the coming of the Imam Mahdi.

In the second reference, he mentions that there was a saint who had a lot of visions named Sharif Abdul Wahab Baghdadi and he mentioned his vision to Imdadullah Muhajjir Maki. He had a vision that the Imam Mahdi has already come and was praying Tahajjud. When he left the Majlis, Imdadullah Muhajjir Makki said that this person has visions and he even did bayah of this man and said I do not know if I will be alive when Imam Mahdi comes or not, so take my bayah.

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  1. Even the opponent Abul Hassan Nadwi who died in 1420 AH accepted that many were waiting for the Imam Mahdi:

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  1. Allama Iqbal, an opponent of the Imam Mahdi was forced to say:

دُنیا کو ہے اُس مہدیِ برحق کی ضرورت
ہو جس کی نِگہ زلزلۂ عالمِ افکار

“The world is in need of the true Mahdi”

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