Statements With Qasam Taken Literally?
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Statements With Qasam Taken Literally?

Hadrat Ahmad (as) is speaking here specifically about your aqeedah. It is only an ilzaami-jawaab not mentioning his own aqeedah. He (as) is not saying that everything in the oath is always to be taken literally. He (as) is putting it on his opponents that Dajjal was living according to Tamim Dari’s vision and then says that all believers must accept that 100 years after the Prophet Muhammad (sa) Dajjal had died because he (sa) said before his death that you ask me regarding day of Judgement, Allah knows but everyone alive today will not be alive after hundred years pass. He (as) did not believe this about Dajjal. It is an accusative answer. This is proven by his own writings as well since the prophecies of the Messiah in authentic ahadith use oaths by the Prophet Muhammad (sa), same ahadith he (as) quotes. Hadur (as) mentions his view after that you have to do taweel.