Now the next revelation they accuse is “we have joined her in marriage to you”. The same has been used in Surah Al Ahzab where Allah states:
And remember when thou didst say to him on whom Allah had bestowed favours and on whom thou also hadst bestowed favours: ‘Keep thy wife to thyself, and fear Allah.’ And thou didst conceal in thy heart what Allah was going to bring to light, and thou wast afraid of the people, whereas Allah has better right that thou shouldst fear Him. Then, when Zaid had accomplished his want of her so as to have no further need of her, We joined her in marriage to thee, so that there may be no hindrance for the believers with regard to the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished their want of them. And Allah’s decree must be fulfilled.(Chapter 33 Verse 38)
The Qur’an shows us that Zainab was married to Muhammad(saw) after she was divorced and became a widow which was the same word revealed to Ahmad(as). This makes it clear that it referred to after she would become a widow if her father and husband does not repent, would marry Promised messiah(as). However, the Husband did indeed repent. Ahmad(as) states:
“And as for the issue that the revelation states that the marriage of Nikah of this woman has been announced with me in the heavens, this is true, but as we have already mentioned, for the apparent manifestation of this Nikah, which was announced in the heavens, there was a condition stipulated by God, which was published at that tie too and it is O Lady! Repent! Repent! For affliction shall befall your children.(Haqiqatul Wahi)
The final allegation on this prophecy is unmarried or a widow.
Hadhrat Ahmad(as) wrote that this revelation relates to the marriage of Hadhrat Ummul Mumineen (ra) (Nuzul-al-Masih, Page 146). This meant that she would be tied in matrimony to the Promised Messiah(as) but then would become a widow.
This is what happened. It had been stated that she would stay alive after his (as) demise. As the prophecy of Muhammadi Begum was related to a lack of repentance, and the subsequent demise of Sultan Mohammad, this revelation fulfilled in the manner mentioned above.
We must remember that a Prophet may isinterpret his prophecies, and we see this even with the Prophet Muhammad (sa). Hadhrat Ahmad (as) orginally did misinterpret this revelation to mean that he would marry a widow, but Allah Corrected him and he publisized this correction.
The revelation was:
بکْرٌ وَّثَیِّبٌ
“A virgin and a widow”
Hadhrat Ahmad (as) originally stated:
About eighteen years ago, I had an opportunity to visit Maulavi Muhammad Husain Batalavi, Editor of Isha‘atusSunnah at his house. He asked me whether I had received any revelation lately and I mentioned to him the revelation, which I had already mentioned several times to my friends:
بکْرٌ وَّثَیِّبٌ
I interpreted this to him and to all others to mean that: God has intended to bring two women to me in marriage—the first time a virgin and the second time a widow. The first part of the revelation, relating to a virgin, has been fulfilled. By Allah’s grace, I have four sons from that wife. I await fulfilment of the part about the widow. [Tiryaqul-Qulub, p. 34, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 15, p. 201]
This was however a misinterpretation of the Messiah(as), which Allah Corrected. The revelation itself only said “A virgin or a widow” and this prophecy was fulfilled in Hadhrat Nusrat Jahan Begum (ra). Allah Corrected Hadhur (as) and Revealed to him:
تَکْفِیْکَ ھٰذِہِ الْاِمْرَأَۃُ
“This woman will suffice for you”
Meaning, he would not marry again rather Hadhrat Nusrat Jahan Begm (ra) was enough for the Promised Messiah(as). This was revealed during February 16, 1906.