The Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw prophesied that the Messiah would descend on the shoulders of two angels. He stated:
وَاضِعًا كَفَّيْهِ عَلَى أَجْنِحَةِ مَلَكَيْنِ
Meaning, the Messiah would descend placing his hands on the wings of two angels
This sign was shown to the Prophetsaw in a vision and is extremely important. It means that the Messiah would have double support from the unseen. The first would be the completing of the argument with innate knowledge bestowed on him, which includes rational as well as traditional. The second would be the completion of the argument with signs which without the agency of man will descend from God.
Hadhrat Ahmadas stated:
“The purport of two angels is the double support from the unseen on which depends the completion of his argument.
His descent with his hands supported on the shoulders of the two angels is an indication that, for his progress, means will be provided from the unseen to support him in accomplishing his work. Earlier, I had mentioned a dream. I saw that I was given a sword in my hand the hilt of which was in my hand but its tip touched the skies. I was wielding it in both directions. As I wielded it hundreds of people were being killed on both sides. Still in my dream, a righteous man interpreted it that it is a sword of the completion of the argument. By the right side is meant the completion of the argument which will be achieved through signs and by the left side is meant the completion of the argument which will be achieved through rational and traditional argument. Both kinds of completion of argument will occur without human support and effort” (Haqiqatul Wahi, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 22, Pages 320-326)