signs of the promised messiah (as)
Breaking of the Cross:
Killing of the Swine:
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) states:
“Then, converting his functions from their metaphorical description into physical activities, they allege that he will break crosses and slaughter swine. They do not explain what he will gain by breaking crosses. Even if he broke one or two million crosses, would the Christians, who are devoted to the worship of the cross, not make new ones in place of the broken ones? If the slaughtering of swine is also to be taken literally, will the principal occupation of the Messiah be that of hunting swine with a pack of dogs? If that is so, it will be a great day for Sikhs and some nomadic tribes like the Chamars, Sansis, Gondelas, etc., who are fond of hunting swine. But this activity of his will not in any way benefit the Christians, who are already very skilful in hunting swine. There are up to a thousand shops in London that sell the flesh of swine, and up to twenty-five thousand pigs are daily sent to the outlying areas of the city. The question is: is it worthy of a Prophet who has appeared for the reform of mankind to waste his time hunting pig, a disgusting animal, while even touching the pig is a grave sin according to Torah. A question also arises that—while hunting is a hobby of the idle—if the Messiah is still to be so fond of hunting, is there any dearth of such good animals as deer, caribou, rabbits, etc., that he should soil his hands with the blood of such a foul animal?” (Izala-e-Auham, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 3, Pages 121-125)
White Minaret of the Messiah:
Ahmad(as) on February 20, 1907 stated: “God has informed me: I will reveal a fresh sign which will be a great victory. This will be a sign for the whole world.” (i.e., its appearance will not be confined to India only) The sign will be at the Hand of God and everyone should wait for it. God will manifest this sign shortly. It will be an evidence of divine help. It will be in testimony of this humble being who is being abused by all. Blessed is he, who hearkens this sign.” Within a fortnight of this statement of the Messiah, Alexander Dowie was destroyed by Allah and passed away. Everyone knew that this was only because of his disrespect to Islam and the Prophets of Allah. Dowie was much younger than the Promised Messiah(as) but because Dowie mocked the Holy Prophet(saw), Allah destroyed him and all of this was prophesied by the Promised Messiah(as) full story:
Second Manifestation of Prophet Muhammad (sa) Prophecy:
Must read!!! These verses prophesy the coming of someone in the end times to revive Islam, who would be the second spiritual coming of the Holy Prophet(saw). This is not our claim, rather this was explained to us by the Holy Prophet(saw) himself and is narrated in Bukhari. It is stated:
While we were sitting with the Prophet (ﷺ) Surat Al-Jumu’a was revealed to him, and when the Verse, “And He (Allah) has sent him (Muhammad) also to other (Muslims)…..’ (62.3) was recited by the Prophet, I said, “Who are they, O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)?” The Prophet (ﷺ) did not reply till I repeated my question thrice. At that time, Salman Al-Farisi was with us. So Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) put his hand on Salman, saying, “If Faith were at (the place of) Ath-Thuraiya (pleiades, the highest star), even then some man from these people (i.e. Salman’s folk) would attain it.”(Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Hadith #420)
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) is this Prophet mentioned. No one has ever claimed that they are this person, as Allah had not opened it to anyone other than the Promised Messiah. During his time, Islam went to the Pleiades and he revived the faith. Nor can anyone deny that during his time Islam was at its worst condition. The Qur’an and ahadith also tell us the Messiah and Mahdi would appear in the 14th century of Hijri which will also be proven.
Allah States in the Qur’an in regards to a heavenly sign for the latter day Messiah and Mahdi: “He asks: When will be the day of Resurrection? When the eye is dazzled, And the moon is eclipsed, And the sun and the moon are brought together, On that day man will say, whither to escape?” (Chapter 75 Verses 7-11)
This sign is also explained in the ahadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw. He states:
حدثنا أبو سعيد الإصطخري ، ثنا محمد بن عبد الله بن نوفل ، ثنا عبيد بن يعيش، ثنا يونس بن بكير عن عمرو بن شمر عنجابر عن محمد بن علي قال : إن لمهدينا آيتين لم تكونا منذ خلق السماوات والأرض ينكسف القمر لأول ليلة من رمضان وتنكسف الشمس في النصف منه ولم تكونا منذ خلق الله السموات والأرض.
For our Mahdi (Spiritual Reformer) there are two Signs which have never occurred before since the creation of the heavens and the earth, namely, the moon will be eclipsed on the first night in Ramadhan (i.e., on the first of the nights on which a lunar eclipse can occur) and the Sun will be eclipsed on the middle day of Ramadhan (i.e., on the middle day on which a solar eclipse can occur) and these Signs have not happened since the creation of the heavens and the earth (Dar Qutni Vol.1, p.188)
Allah States in the Qur’an in regards to a heavenly sign for the latter day Messiah and Mahdi: “He asks: When will be the day of Resurrection? When the eye is dazzled, And the moon is eclipsed, And the sun and the moon are brought together, On that day man will say, whither to escape?” (Chapter 75 Verses 7-11)
This sign is also explained in the ahadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw. He states:
حدثنا أبو سعيد الإصطخري ، ثنا محمد بن عبد الله بن نوفل ، ثنا عبيد بن يعيش، ثنا يونس بن بكير عن عمرو بن شمر عنجابر عن محمد بن علي قال : إن لمهدينا آيتين لم تكونا منذ خلق السماوات والأرض ينكسف القمر لأول ليلة من رمضان وتنكسف الشمس في النصف منه ولم تكونا منذ خلق الله السموات والأرض.
For our Mahdi (Spiritual Reformer) there are two Signs which have never occurred before since the creation of the heavens and the earth, namely, the moon will be eclipsed on the first night in Ramadhan (i.e., on the first of the nights on which a lunar eclipse can occur) and the Sun will be eclipsed on the middle day of Ramadhan (i.e., on the middle day on which a solar eclipse can occur) and these Signs have not happened since the creation of the heavens and the earth (Dar Qutni Vol.1, p.188)
Mahdi and Messiah One Person:
يوشك من عاش منكم ان يلقى عيسى بن مريم إماما مهديا “It is near that one who lives from amongst you shall meet ‘Eisa bin Maryam who will be imam Mahdi . (Musnad Ahmad Hadith #9117)
In another hadith of Ibn Maja, the Prophet(saw) has been narrated to have said:
لاَ الْمَهْدِيُّ إِلاَّ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ
There is no Mahdi, but Isa Ibn Maryam (Ibn Maja #4039)
The Mahdi was just another title for the Messiah of the end times, who was to be an Imam from among the Muslim Ummah. There is no authentic report that states otherwise. The fact that the Holy Prophet(saw) made it clear that Isa of the end times would be the imam from among us, is in itself a sufficient proof for the death of Isa(as) and that the messiah would be among the Muslims. Furthermore, the Holy Prophet (saw) said that for our ummah, there would only be one Khalifa at a time. Both the imam Mahdi and Messiah in traditions are called Khalifa, which further proves it would be one person with both titles of Masih and Mahdi. He is none other than Ahmad (as).
13th Century, the Coming of the Messiah:
According to Muhammad(saw) the best years for Islam were the first 300, after which Islam would decline for 1000 years as the Qur’an tells us. After this, faith would be completely lost from the earth and would go up to the highest star in the sky (Bukhari). The same hadith tells us, that after this a man from among the Persians would revive it completely.
300+1000 years give us exactly the time of the birth of Ahmad(as). Furthermore, we are told of a Mujadid to come every century according to the ahadith, but interestingly enough there was no mujadid during the time of Ahmad(as) in the eyes of the non Ahmadis, nor one after him till today.
Of course, in our view Ahmad(as) was the mujadid, and after him his khulafa were.
Furthermore, the beautiful hadith quoted above tells us of a specific 200 years. These 200 years were the ones following the 1000 years for many reasons, which was the exact time of the imam Mahdi according to not just Ahmadis, but countless of non Ahmadi Muslim saints.
For example: Hazrat Shah Ni’matullah Wali mentioned 1288 A.H for the arrival of the Mahdi in Tarikh Balochistan.
Imam Ibn Arabi mentioned 1355 A.H for the Mahdi’s appearance in Kitaabul Amri.
Hazrat Shah Waliullah Muhaddath Dehlvi said “My Lord the Glorious has taught me that the resurrection day has come near and Mahdi has prepared to come” (Tafheemat-e-Illahiya page 133 Published in 1936 Medina Barqi Press)
Messiah will Put away Wars:
The next sign appears in two forms in the ahadith. One states the messiah would end the religious wars, while others say he would abolish the jizya tax. Firstly, jizya is a tax which non Muslims pay during the wars for protection. Whenever there was a true Islamic state, and a military threat occurred, which would interfere with the peace of the state, this tax was mandatory. This prophecy shows us that during the time of the Messiah, the Muslims would have religious freedom and we would be allowed to practice and preach our faith. No one would wage a war against Islam during this time. This sign is a huge miracle. Allah planned that during the time of the Messiah, he would only need to do jihad of the pen as there would be no conditions of war and he would give us the true teachings of Jihad and the true meaning of Islam which became corrupted. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Ahmad(as) states: “I have come to you with an order: jihad with the sword has ended from this time forward, but the jihad of purifying your souls must continue. I do not say this of my own accord. This is indeed the will of God. Recall the hadith from Sahih al-Bukhari which honours the Promised Messiah by saying yada-‘ul-harb. That is to say, when the Messiah comes he will put an end to religious wars. Accordingly, I command those who have joined my ranks to refrain from all such thoughts, to purify their hearts, to foster sympathy, and to be compassionate towards the suffering. They should spread peace on earth, because that will cause their faith to spread in return. They should not entertain doubts about how this will transpire.” (British Government And Jihad, Page 17)
Wars today are not religious. They’re based on politics only. This sign was clearly fulfilled as during the time of Ahmad (as) he instructed the true jihad and there were no religious wars.
Perish all Religions:
This verse is also about the time of the Messiah, when Islam ,which is the truth, would manifest itself over all religions. This is exactly what happened in the time of the Messiah. Ahmad(as) showed the superiority of Islam over all religions. In fact whenever any Non Ahmadi scholar needed help for Islam, they only had Ahmad(as) to help them as no one knew how to answer such difficult questions being brought forth against the Muslims. He truly showed how Islam is superior over all religions. Another verse shows us true life is with arguments and death is with arguments as well (8:43)
He will Oppose People for the Cause of Islam:
Breath of Messiah:
Abundance of Wealth:
The second meaning is the money challenges Ahmad(as) used to do. He would often challenge the religions to answer his questions, and that no one would be able to. However, if they did he would give them money. No one was able to accept a single challenge.
Ahmad(as) states: ” This refers to the treasures of wisdom and verities, because the heavenly treasures that are bestowed upon the special servants of God Almighty, which they distribute to the world, are not the worldly riches, but consist entirely of wisdom and verities, as Allah the Almighty says:
يُؤْتِي الْحِكْمَةَ مَنْ يَشَاءُ ۚ وَمَنْ يُؤْتَ الْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِيَ خَيْرًا كَثِيرًا ۗ (2:270)
Khair means wealth and in fact pure wealth is the wisdom that has been referred to in the hadith This is the wealth which is a Sign among the signs of the Promised Messiah” (Izala-e-Auham, Pages 632-635, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 3, Pages 441-443)
Another hadith tells us that true wealth in reality is self contentment, and that’s exact what the books of Ahmad (as) bring to our lives.
Mutual Hatred and Jealousy would Disappear:
Simply compare the other Muslim sects to Ahmadiyyat, despite them not being comparable. You will yourself see this beautiful prophecy fuflilled. This love and harmony continues till today because of the beautiful establishment of Khilafat.
Just consider whether, during the last thirteen hundred years, anyone has experienced a time which is so similar to the time of the Holy Prophetsa. Our Jama‘at, which has been established in this age, resembles in many respects the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa. Our people witness miracles and signs such as the Companionsra witnessed and gain light and certainty from fresh heavenly signs and support as the Companionsra did.
Punishment of a Liar to Revelation:
Allah makes it clear that if the Holy Prophet(saw) attributed a lie to Allah, he would have been seized and killed. The fact that the Holy Prophet (saw) lived for 23 years after his claim proves that he was truthful. This verse is primarily for the Holy Prophet(saw), however if it is used to prove his truthfulness, another claimant should be judged by this as well. There is a reason for Allah to reveal this ayah for us, and if a liar who truly claims prophethood can live more than 23 years, than how can we use this as a proof for the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet(saw)? Furthermore, these verses only apply if the person fulfils the conditions. He must attribute false revelation intentionally. A mad person is not included in such a prophecy. The person must also attribute it to Allah, and believe in the concept of revelation. He must also publicly announce these revelations. Furthermore, the person must claim prophethood and also attribute revelation to Allah.
Progeny of Hadhrat Imam Mahdi:
رَبِّ إِنَّهُنَّ أَضْلَلْنَ كَثِيرًا مِنَ النَّاسِ ۖ فَمَنْ تَبِعَنِي فَإِنَّهُ مِنِّي ۖ وَمَنْ
عَصَانِي فَإِنَّكَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ {37} ‘
My Lord they have indeed led astray many among mankind. So whoever follows me, he is certainly of me; and whoever disobeys me — Thou art, surely, Most Forgiving, Merciful.(Chapter 14 Verse 37)
Furthermore, Allah makes it clear that one is not a true believer based on his blood, rather the most honurable in the Sight of Allah is the one who is most righteous. (49:14)
Furthermore, according to the ahadith we learn that even one who is not physically from the family of the Prophet, can be of his family. The Holy Prophet(saw) called Salman Farsi, a companion, of his family. Therefore, Ahmad(as) was spiritually of the family of the Prophet. However he(as) was also physically of the Prophets family.
Ahmad(as) states: “Although I am not from the descendants from Alevis (descendants of Hazrat Alira from other than Fatimara I am from the lineage of Bani Fatimaas. Some of my paternal grandmothers were from among well known saadaat(female members of the family of Prophet Muhammadsaw. It was a practice among our family that at times women from saadat would be wed into our family and ours into theirs” (Ruhani Khazain Volume 18 page 426 footnote Nazul-ul-Masih
Status of followers in Paradise:
The way this beautiful prophecy was fulfilled, was with the Heavenly Graveyard. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) said:
Some twenty to twenty-five minutes before the time of the (Fajr) Prayer, I saw in a dream as if I had purchased a piece of land for the purpose of converting it into a graveyard for our Jama‘at. I was told that its name would be Maqbarah Bahishti, meaning that whoever is buried there would be admitted to Paradise. Then I saw that some old gospels had been discovered in Kashmir which would break the cross. I proposed that some persons should go there and bring those gospels so that a book could be written about them. Hearing this Maulavi Mubarak ‘Ali declared his readiness to go but requested that a place should be kept for him in the Maqbarah Bahishti. I said: Khalifah Nur-ud-Din should also be sent with him…. The Promised Messiah(as) continued: Sometime back I had planned that there should be a separate graveyard for our Jama‘at. God has now approved of my plan. Injil [Gospel] means good news. It would seem that God intends to manifest some great news from Kashmir and that the person who would carry through this task would certainly enter Paradise. (Tadhkirah Page 566, [al-Badr, vol. 1, no. 5 and 6, November28 and December 5, 1902, p. 35 and al-Hakam, vol. 6, no. 42, November 24, 1902, p. 4] )
Preparation in one Night:
Ahmad(as) stated:
I have been given the sign of eloquence and mastery in Arabic, as a reflection of the Quranic miracle of eloquence, and no one can challenge me on this. (Need for the imam, Page 42)
Horrible Condition of the Muslim Ummah:
These are only some signs. The prophet (saw) himself indicated this time of the 14th century hijri for the messiah for a reason
None Shall Touch it Except Those Purified:
Ahmad(as) states:
” I call God to witness, in Whose hand is my life, that I have been given excellence over every other individual in the matter of understanding the deeper and subtler meanings of the Holy Qur’an. Had the opponent Maulavis come forward to compete with me in this, as I had repeatedly invited them to do, they would have been humiliated by God. The understanding of the Qur’an that has been bestowed upon me is a sign of Allah, the Glorious, and I, by the grace of Allah, believe that the world will soon recognize the truth of my claim.” (Siraj-e-Munir, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 12, Page 41)
Town of Mahdi:
This name is identical with Qadian, or Kadi, which was what Qadian was formerly known as. This further makes it clear that The Prophet Muhammad(sa) was indeed referring to the blessed village of Qadian when he stated that the Messiah would descend East of Damascus.
Ahmad (as) states:
Now comes the question of my claim. This is supported by so many reasons that unless a person is altogether without shame, he has no way open to him other than to accept my claim in the same way as he
has accepted the advent of the Holy Prophetsa. Are these arguments not enough proof of my claim that the Holy Qur’an has given so many signs and indications concerning me that it has virtually specified my
name, and the Ahadith mention Kad‘ah as the name of my village. The Ahadith also show that the Promised Messiah would be born in the thirteenth century and would appear in the fourteenth. Sahih Bukhari
gives my full description. With regard to the first Propagation, Establishment of a Holy Jama‘at, and Instructions Messiahas, his great centre is described as in the East, i.e., India. It is also related in the Ahadith that the Promised Messiah will appear East of Damascus; and Qadian is to the East of Damascus”.
Greatest Lover of Prophet Muhammad :
Here are two quotes which I personally use a lot, which answer this allegation beautifully:
The insults that have been offered to Islam and the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him], the attacks that have been made against Divine Law and the apostasies and heresies that have become widespread, cannot be matched in any other age. Is it not true that in a short while in India alone a hundred thousand people have become Christians, and more than sixty million books have been published in opposition to Islam, and people belonging to high families have lost their religion, and those who used to describe themselves as the descendants of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] have put on the garment of Christianity and have become his enemies, and numberless books full of vile abuse of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] have been published? My heart cries out with tears that if these people had murdered my children before my eyes, and had cut to pieces my sincere friends, and had killed me with great humiliation, and had possessed themselves of all my property, I would not have been so pained and my heart would not have been so hurt as it has been pained and hurt by the insults offered to the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. [A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 5, pp. 51-52]
He (as) also stated: After God I am inebriated with the love of Muhammad(saw); if this be infidelity, then by God I am a great infidel.’ This allegation has NO truth to it.
Errors Corrected by Hadhrat Ahmad(as) :
1) Prophets lie – No, Prophets never lie! Sadly, non Ahmadi Muslims misinterpret ahadith which claim that Prophets lie. For example, in Sahih Bukhari there is a hadith which claims Hadhrat Ibrahim (as) lied three times. Such a interpretation of this hadith is against the Qur’an and CANNOT be accepted as true! Allah in the Qur’an States: “He was a TRUTHFUL man and a Prophet (19:42). Many people lie, Allah sends the Prophets to be the best models not so that they also sin in the same way we do. In reality it just means that according to others people thought he(as) lied but in reality HE NEVER LIED
2) Prophets sin? – No Prophets do not sin. Just because a hadith says Human beings commit sins and that the Prophet (saw) prayed astagfar, the non Ahmadi Muslims believe all prophets sin, including the Holy Prophet(saw) EVEN! This is completely against the Qur’an which shows us that no Prophet has ever sinned nor do they act unjustly against Allah
3)Apostasy- Some ahadith falsely say that the Prophet (saw) God forbid said kill everyone who leaves Islam. This is also against the Qur’an and never did the Holy Prophet(saw) say such a thing. Sadly the non Ahmadis hold this view. The true meaning was those who waged war against the Prophet (saw) were only killed in self defence
4)Only Isa(as) and his mother were free from the touch of Satan NO ONE ELSE.
This is also completely false and against the Qur’an. Quote of Promised Messiah(as) in comments.
These are only some of hundreds of more wrong beliefs which have come into the ummah. Now which view makes more sense? The view of Ahmadiyyat, the True Islam or the non Ahmadi Muslims?
Prophets Mocked in the Same Way:
One sign of the Prophets is that they are always mocked for being agents and people who are getting help from other human beings rather than Allah. Allah States this in Chapter 11 verse 92 in regards to Hadhrat Shuaib(as) who was accused of the same. Holy Prophet(saw) is accused of the same and mocked in the same way. The Christians claim he God Forbid, got the Qur’an written from local Arabic speakers which is completely false.
Another sign is that the disbelievers always call the Prophet a madman and start complaining that why did Allah Choose you over us? Furthermore, every Prophet is mocked and in specific we are told that during the time of the Promised Messiah(as) the Muslim scholars would be like the worst of the creatures and would resemble the Jews. If we look at the allegations of the Jews against Hadhrat Isa(as), they are exactly what the Muslims say against the Promised Messiah(as). One example is an accursed death which is full of falsehood. Another sign is them physically awaiting a prophet to come from the heavens to which Hadhrat Isa(as) in his time himself said does not occur! Yet the Muslim scholars of today have become like the Jews as prophesied by my beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw). Despite hatred from every corner, which Jamaat is spreading day and night? Which Jamaat does the most work for Islam? The answer is Ahmadiyyat and this is a fact. There are many more signs, but the point is the Promised Messiah(as) is mocked in the exact same way as other prophets, which is a sign of his truthfulness according to the Qur’an.
The True Messiah and Mahdi chosen by Allah :
فَإِنْ أَعْرَضُوا فَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ عَلَيْهِمْ حَفِيظًا إِنْ عَلَيْكَ إِلَّا الْبَلَاغُ وَإِنَّا إِذَا أَذَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ مِنَّا رَحْمَةً فَرِحَ بِهَا وَإِن تُصِبْهُمْ سَيِّئَةٌ بِمَا قَدَّمَتْ أَيْدِيهِمْ فَإِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ كَفُورٌ
But if they turn aside, We have not sent you as a watcher over them; on you is only to deliver (the message); and surely when We make man taste mercy from Us, he rejoices thereat; and if an evil afflicts them on account of what their hands have already done, then-surely man is ungrateful.(42:49)
وَإِن مَّا نُرِيَنَّكَ بَعْضَ الَّذِي نَعِدُهُمْ أَوْ نَتَوَفَّيَنَّكَ فَإِنَّمَا عَلَيْكَ الْبَلَاغُ وَعَلَيْنَا الْحِسَابُ
And We will either let you see part of what We threaten them with or cause you to die, for only the delivery of the message is (incumbent) on you, while calling (them) to account is Our (business). (13:40)
Nothing is (incumbent) on the Apostle but to deliver (the message), and Allah knows what you do openly and what you hide.(5:99)
قُل يا أَيُّهَا النّاسُ قَد جاءَكُمُ الحَقُّ مِن رَبِّكُم ۖ فَمَنِ اهتَدىٰ فَإِنَّما يَهتَدي لِنَفسِهِ ۖ وَمَن ضَلَّ فَإِنَّما يَضِلُّ عَلَيها ۖ وَما أَنا عَلَيكُم بِوَكيلٍ Proclaim, O Prophet, O mankind the Truth has indeed come to you from your Lord. Then whoso follows the guidance, follows it only for the good of his own self, and whoso errs does so only to his own detriment. I am not appointed a keeper over you (10: 109). وَلَوْ شَاءَ رَبُّكَ لَآمَنَ مَن فِي الْأَرْضِ كُلُّهُمْ جَمِيعًا أَفَأَنتَ تُكْرِهُ النَّاسَ حَتَّىٰ يَكُونُوا مُؤْمِنِينَ
And if your Lord had pleased, surely all those who are in the earth would have believed, all of them; will you then force men till they become believers?(10:100)
لَكُم دينُكُم وَلِيَ دينِ
‘For you your religion, and for me my religion.’ (109:7)
وَقُلِ الحَقُّ مِن رَبِّكُم ۖ فَمَن شاءَ فَليُؤمِن وَمَن شاءَ فَليَكفُر ۚ And say, ‘It is the truth from your Lord; wherefore let him who will, believe, and let him who will, disbelieve. (18:30)
Hadhrat Ahmad(as) Love for Allah :
Allah Love for Hadhrat Ahmad(as) :
Gog Magog Part 1:
Gog Magog Part 2:
Now what about the last ten verses of Surah al Kahf? First ten were about the Unity of Allah and warning about the Christians. Now the last ten verses speak about many human beings being worshipped. In every church there is a new saint who is given the authority of God. Now it also relates to the material progress of such people. Dajjal being blind in one eye refers to the spiritual slide and religious side. In the last ten verses, Allah makes it clear that there is a worldly aspect to this as well. The same people deifying Isa(as) would become materialistic. The left eye would see very far and these people would say that they have pursued so much with materialism. They will say that they are the most wonderful industrialists in the world according to the Qur’an. These Western Nations excel the entire world in their industry to the point where even Japan learned from them. Dajjal and Gog Magog are the same but different identity according to the Qur’an and ahadith. The word anti Christ given to dajjal shows that there will be Christians who will be the anti Christ as they will not truly believe in Isa(as).
The Christians started with the belief in god but now worship that which is nothing near God. Yajuj and Majuj are the western people in their economical and industrial advancement. Dajjal is the image of Christianity which has gone far away from true Christianity. The future of Christianity is described as a split personality. One being the religious side including the church followers who spread Christianity, and the second being the political, industrial, materialistic and economical image as they try to cover all lands of the world and conquer them to bring them under their control. This is Gog and Magog and when we read Ezikiel it also refers to the same exact people. It is indeed clear that these people are the Western people who have a special relation with fire and water.
Hadhrat Ahmad(as) stated:
have also proved that it is essential for the Promised Messiah to appear at the time of Gog and Magog. Since Ajij, from which the words Gog and Magog are derived, means ‘fire’, God Almighty has disclosed to me that Gog and Magog are a people who are greater experts in the use of fire than any other people. Their very names indicate that their ships, trains and machines will be run by fire. They will fight their battles with fire. They will excel all other people in harnessing fire to their service. This is why they will be called Gog and Magog. These are the people of the West, as they are unique in their expertise in the use of fire. In Jewish scriptures too it was the people of Europe who were described as Gog and Magog. Even the name of Moscow, which is the ancient capital of Russia, is mentioned. Thus it was preordained that the Promised Messiah would appear in the time of Gog and Magog. [Ayyam-us-Sulh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 14, pp. 424-425]
Gog Magog Part 3:
Gog Magog Part 4:
sKhalifa Rabai(rh) explained the metaphorical walls as well and here is a summary:
Firstly the wall was created and maintained by the Muslims. The wall began from the East of the Ottamon empire and extended to the West of Spain. It was responsible for 100s of years to stop the onslaught of the Western Nation. All the battles of Spain (Crusades) or battles of the crescent, were responsible for stopping southern and western and northern Europe for a really long time from coming passed the wall. The Muslims of Morocco made a wall on the south of Europe which was not able to be crossed for a really long time. This is the wall which was at last broken from one. Another wall extends from East of Turkey to Palestine and Syria. Al Hijaz was also protected with the same wall. This was also broken. Through these two broken walls, Europe moved Eastwards extremely fast. (PART 4, LAST PART IS PART 5 WITH SOME WRITINGS OF AHMAD(AS))
Gog Magog Part 5:
I and My Messengers Shall Prevail:
Is there anything wrong with such a statement? No sane person can raise such a allegation.
The non Ahmadi Muslim saints have also stated similar (we accept them as well, as they were before Hadhrat Ahmad(as):
Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani, may Allah have mercy on him, has said:
A person rises till he arrives at a station where he becomes the heir of every messenger, prophet, and siddique.(Futuhul Ghaib, Maqalah 4, p. 23)
He has also stated:
This is not the person of Abdul Qadir but the person of Muhammad. (Guldastah Karamat p. 10)
Hazrat Bayazid Bistami, may Allah have mercy on him, has said:
I am Ibrahim, Moses, and Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him. (Tazkaratul Aulia, the Tazkarah of Bayazid Bistami)
This shows that the Imam Mahdi had to make this claim and it is just another sign of his truthfulness, that the ignorant anti Ahmadis make allegations on the claims which the true mahdi had to make!
The Qur’an itself tells us that all Prophets would be gathered in the latter day reformer spiritually. In reality, the Anti Ahmadis are accusing the Qur’an rather than Hadhrat Ahmad(as):
Allah States in the Qur’an:
“And when the Messengers are made to appear at the appointed time” (77:12)
Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad(ra) beautifully explains:
“The meaning is: When prophecies concerning the second advent of Various Messengers will be fulfilled with the appearance in the world of a great Heavenly Reformer who will come in the power and spirit of such Messengers, clad , as it were in the mantles of All of them’
Allah revealed to Hadhrat Ahmad(as):
“The Champion of Allah in the mantle of the Prophets.”
Furthermore, the ahadith make it clear that the Promised Messiah would be the second coming of the Holy Prophet(saw) (Commentary of Surah al Jumah) Hadhrat Ahmad(as) also beautifully explained:
No one should be troubled with the idea how a humble follower of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, could become a sharer in his names and qualities or praises. Without a doubt it is true that even a prophet cannot become a sharer in an equal degree in the holy excellencies of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Even the angels cannot be his equals, let alone that anyone else should have any share in his excellencies. But, 0 seeker after truth, may Allah guide you, listen to this with attention, that God Almighty, desiring that the blessings of the Holy Prophet should continue to be manifested throughout and that the perfect rays of his light and of his acceptance by God should continue to confound his opponents and to silence them, has, of His mercy and wisdom, ordained that He manifests the blessings of His accepted Messenger through the humble personalities of some of his followers who obey him completely, with utter humility and lowliness and by falling on the threshold of servitude they are completely lost to themselves.
They are so honored as God finds them utterly devoted to the Holy Prophet, so much so that they become like a clear mirror for the reflection of those blessings. The praise bestowed on them by Allah and the signs and blessings and effects that are manifested by them in reality belong to the Holy Prophet himself and issue from him. In truth and in its perfection that praise is appropriate only to the Holy Prophet and he is its perfect example, but as he who completely follows the practice of the Holy Prophet becomes a reflection of that illumined personality on account of his complete obedience and utter devotion, the divine lights that are manifested in that holy personality are also exhibited in his reflection. The manifestation in a reflection of all that characterizes the original is a matter that is not hidden from anyone. It is true, however, that the shadow is not established in itself and does not possess any excellence in reality. Whatever is found in it is a picture of the original which is reflected through him. It is necessary, therefore, that no one should imagine that this phenomenon is derogatory of the Holy Prophet that his inner lights are reflected in his perfect followers. It should be understood that this is a reflection of the lights of the Holy Prophet which is manifested as a continuous grace in the pure personalities of the followers of the Holy Prophet. (Braheen Ahmadiyaa, Part III, p. 242)
He also states:
In this revelation God has named me ‘rusul’ [Messengers], for as has been set out in Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah, God Almighty has made me a manifestation of all Prophets, and has given me their names. I am Adam [Adam], I am Shith [Seth], I am Nuh [Noah], I am Ibrahim [Abraham], I am Ishaq [Isaac], I am Isma‘il [Ishmael], I am Ya‘qub [Jacob], I am Yusuf [Joseph], I am Musa [Moses], I am Dawud [David], I am ‘Isa [Jesus] and I am the perfect manifestation of the name of the Holy Prophet, on whom be the peace and blessings of Allah, that is to say I am Muhammad and Ahmad by way of reflection. [Haqiqatul-Wahi, p. 72 footnote, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 22, p. 76 footnote]
Challenge From the Imam Mahdi :
Dear Muslims please just open your eyes for one bit! Focus on the claims of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) rather than blindly following the lies about him! Theres no difference in your actions with those who reject the Holy Prophet (saw) based on all the lies they falsely hear! Open your eyes! Ahmadiyyat is the greatest cure for the ummah!
Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) stated:
I cite in my support the explicit and unequivocal verses of the Holy Qur’an, the Traditions and the consensus of the Companions of the Holy Prophet(sa), but my opponents refuse to listen and start shouting and calling me an apostate and Antichrist. I challenge them all to prove from the Holy Qur’an that Jesus(as) ascended to the heavens alive, or to produce anything that contradicts what the Holy Prophet(sa) witnessed, or to disprove the Consensus in the presence of Hadrat Abu Bakr(ra) on the occasion of the demise of the Holy Prophet(sa); but no reply comes forth. Some others vociferously ask that if Jesus Son of Mary was not meant to come again, then why was the Promised Messiah named ‘Jesus son of Mary’? I say that this is a silly objection. Isn’t it surprising that these very objectors exercise the right to name their own children as Moses, Jesus, Ahmad, Abraham, or Isma‘il, but are ready to object if God names the future Prophet as Jesus(as)! In this context, the crucial point to consider was whether the Promised One was accompanied by the signs or not. Had they sought to find those signs in the Promised one, they would never have had the daring to reject.(Lecture Ludhiana Page 60)
Stars of Heaven shall fall:
Hadhrat Ahmad(as) was appointed by Allah as the reviver of the faith of the fourteenth century of Islam. At this stage, he did not make any specific public claim; as his status as the Messiah was yet to be revealed to him in another eight years. However, he intensified his prayers and worship and devoted all of his time towards his writings and preaching the truth and the excellence of Islam.
“And the stars of heaven shall fall”
In the context of the second coming of the Messiah in the end times, the New Testament Gospel of Mark States:
“But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give light (referring to the eclipses which were fulfilled for Hadhrat Ahmad(as)) and the stars of the heaven shall fall…” (Mark 13:24-25)
Many are aware of how the eclipses were fulfilled, but what about the stars of the heaven falling?
The gravitational force of the earth continually pulls in part of the debris left behind in space after the formation of the solar system. When these bodies, which range from sand-size particles to fairly large chunks of rock, enter the earth’s atmosphere, they burn out due to the extreme resistance and glow lie meteors or shooting stars. Sometimes these meteors appear singly and sometimes in the form of showers that appear to be originating from a certain part of the sky. Although the appearance of meteor showers is a routine astronomical phenomenon that dates back to as long as recorded history, there have been two occasions in recent history when they took on the aspect of dramatic and unusual displays.
The first incident took place in 1833, two years prior to the birth of Hadhrat Ahmad(as). This was known as the Leonids – since the meteors appear to be radiating from the Constellation Leo – the shower owes its existence to the breakup of the comet Temple-Tuttle whose debris gets pulled in by the gravitational force of the earth.
The most magnificent occurrence of a meteor shower took place in 1833 when more than a hundred thousand meteors were seen per hour (some estimates put the frequency at nearly two hundred thousand meteors per hour or 55 meteors) (The Great Leonid Meteor Storm of 1833- A First Hand Account by Elder Samuel Rogers” NASA Science News, June 2, 1999) At this high rate, the display would have appeared nothing short of all the stars in the night sky falling down. In the USA, the meteor display was considered to be a literal fulfilment of the biblical prophecy related to the return of Jesus, as noted in the journal of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism.
The second magnificent display of a meteor shower took place on November 27, 1885. This shower was known as Andromedids since the meteors seemed to appear to radiate from the constellation Andromeda. The frequency of this was estimated at several thousand per hour, some as high as fifteen thousand per hour. These are normal astronomical phenomena. However, them being a prophecy for the latter day Messiah and then Hadhrat Ahmad(as) claiming to be the Messiah is something all non Ahmadi Muslims must think over!
Respond to His Sermons:
This post is about a beautiful sign for the truthfulness of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), The Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) stated:
Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: A man called al-Harith ibn Harrath will come forth from Ma Wara an-Nahr. His army will be led by a man called Mansur who will establish or consolidate things for Muhammad’s family as Quraysh consolidated them for the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). Every believer must help him, or he said: respond to his sermons.(Sunan Abi Dawud #4290)
Hadhrat Ahmad(as) beautifully explained this hadith. He stated: “I would now like to draw attention to the hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, in his compilation. It contains a prophecy that a person designated as Harith, or a cultivator, will appear from Transoxiana, that is to say, from the direction of Samarkand, who will lend support to the descendants of the Holy Prophet(saw) and it would be obligatory on every believer to help and support him. It has been revealed to me that this prophecy and the prophecy of the advent of the Promised Messiah, who will be one of the Muslims and will be their Imam, relate to the same event and both have reference to me. The prophecy that relates to the Promised Messiah has two special aspects. One is that through his true teaching, he will reform the spiritual condition of the Muslims which will be utterly corrupt at the time of his advent and; he will totally remove their spiritual poverty and inner indigence and present them the jewels of knowledge, verities and comprehension in excess of their need. No seeker after truth from among them will remain spiritually poor and indigent. All those who hunger and thirst for truth will be provided in abundance with the wholesome food of truth and the sweet drink of comprehension. Their pockets will be filled with the pearls of true knowledge and they will be given bottles filled with the perfume of the true meaning of the Qur’an.” (Izala-e-Auham, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 3, Pages 141-143)
May Allah help us respond to the sermons of the Khalifa of the Imam Mahdi has well, ameen.
Submitting the Matter to the Judge of Judges:
The Promised Messiah (as) stated: “O Ye revered clerics though the falsity of your notion that that you are the true believers and I am a disbeliever,
that you are truthful and I am a liar, that you follow Islam and I go against it, that you are the accepted ones of God
and I am rejected by Him, that you are the heirs of Paradise and I am condemned to hell, has been established by the Holy Qur’an in the estimation of those who are given
to reflection, and the readers of this book can well understand who is right and who is wrong, yet there is another
way whereby distinction can be made between those who are true and those who are false, and between the accepted ones of God and the rejected ones. It has always been the way of God that if an accepted one and a rejected one both beseech God Almighty for heavenly help, He certainly helps the accepted one and makes His acceptance
of him manifest in a manner that is beyond human power. Since you claim to be in the right, and some
of you like Maulavi Mohy-ud-Din and ‘Abd-ur-Rahman Sahib of Lakhoke and Miań ‘Abd-ul-Haq Sahib of
Ghazni have denounced me as a disbeliever and as one
condemned to hell, it is incumbent upon you to find out through this heavenly method who is designated as the accepted one in heaven and who is the rejected one. I agree that you should supplicate to the Judge of judges for a period of ten weeks that if you are in the right you should be given a sign of your truth or you should be authorized to make a great prophecy or granted a sign as
can proceed only from the righteous. On my side I shall also do the same. God the Beneficent and the Powerful
has assured me that, if you accept this challenge, victory will be mine….
Whatever belonged to us, belong now to the Beloved;
Today, we belong to the Beloved, and He belongs to us.
Thanks be to Allah, we found that Priceless Ruby;
It matters not if the nation’s hearts have turned to stone.
[Izala-e-Auham, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, pp. 457-458]
This is not my work, this is the work of God:
Extremely emotional. Hadhrat Ahmad (as) stated: “If I am asked as to what have I done, my answer would be that I can’ t say anything in this respect. The world will know itself as to what has been done by me. Of course I would like to say this much that people come to me and repent for their sins, they become humble and move far from meanness, they acquire very high morals. They begin to grow like vegetation and they begin to improve their morals and habits. Man does not make all the progress in just one step. The law of nature is that very thing makes progress gradually; there is nothing that is not under this law. Of course we are full of hope that ultimately the truth will spread and there will be a pious change. This is not my work; this is the work of God. He is determined that piety should be spread. The world has become rotten and a worm is eating it up. It is only the shell that has been left; there is no pith there. But God has now willed it that man should be purified and should have no blemish at all. It is for this, that through His Grace, He has established this Dispensation.” (Malfuzat Volume 2, Page 278)
Love for the Prophet:
Two emotional stories from the Life of Hadhrat Ahmad (as): One day The Promised Messiah Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) was extremely sick in bed. He was so ill that he had his blanket over his mouth and could not speak. The family called the doctor who was a Hindu. Once he came in, he ordered the family to leave the room so he could assist the Promised Messiah(as). In reality in the mind of the Hindhu, his idea was to finally mock the Holy Prophet (saw) in front of Ahmad (as) . He began to say the vilest things against the Prophet. Despite the condition the Promised Messiah was in, he quickly got up and answered every single allegation and did a speech on answering everything leaving the doctor shocked. By Allah such a person CAN NOT BE FALSE.
Another story I love is that when the Promised Messiah(as) would have low blood pressure, to raise it he would tell his companions to tell him allegations against the Holy Prophet (saw) which would make his blood pressure fine again. What a beautiful personality full of love for Holy Prophet (saw). May Allah guide the Muslim Ummah ameen
Promised Son Prophecy:
The knowledge of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra was at such a high level that the non Ahmadi Muslims were themselves forced to admit it. Maulvi Zafar Ali Khan who was an opponent of Ahmadiyyat, stated: “Listen carefully, you and your followers will never be able to compete with Mirza Mahmd Ahmad. Mirza Mahmud has the Qur’ana nd he has got knowledge of it. What have you got? ” (Aik Khaufnak Saazish, page 196 by Mazhar Ali Azhar)
Miracle of the Messiah:
Today I will share an amazing story of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) from his early life showing his truthfulness. Once when Hadhrat Ahmad(as) was in travel, at night him and his friends stayed on the second floor of a building. In the room, there were seven or eight other people as well. When everyone fell asleep, and a part of the night had passed, he heard some noises and his heart got the feeling that the roof of the room was about to collapse. He called out to his friend and said that he feels that the roof is about to fall. The friend replied by saying that this is only your thought and that this building is new with a brand new root as well. You should relax and sleep. Hadhrat Ahmad(as) explained that he then again went to lay down but after a little while that fear took over his heart and again he woke up and told his friend. However, his friend gave a similar answer.
Hadhrat Ahmad(as) then again went to rest but again his heart was not satisfied and the thought again took over his heart. He was again worried and woke up again and this time with more aggression, advised his friend that when I tell you the roof is about to fall, why don’t you listen and wake up? Now his friend finally woke up and woke up the rest of the people as well. Everyone was told to quickly leave the house. All left the house one by one. When everyone had left, only then had Hadhrat Ahmad(as) taken a step and when he just reached out and his foot at nearly touched the ground, the roof totally collapsed and the area where they were resting was completely destroyed. This story was from Sialkot and is recorded in Seeratul Mahdi.
The Mission of the Messiah:
True Meaning of Dajjal:
Prophecy About Syria:
The condition of Syria is alarming. However, as Ahmadi Muslims this is not shocking to us. Our beloved Khalifa Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) has been telling us of the state of the world for many years now. Many laughed and mocked him, and now those are the same people that sit and cry realizing that they were wrong all along. Furthermore, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) prophesied the condition of the world as well and mentioned Syria by name in relation to the third world war.
Sahibzadah Pir Sirajul Haqq Numani(ra) narrated that once Hadhrat Ahmad(as) said:
“God has conveyed to me that there would be a great split in my movement as well, and mischief makes and those who are the slaves of their own desires will depart. (This was fulfilled in 1914 when Jamaat had a split with the Lahore movement)
Then God Almighty will bring this split to an end. But those who deserve to be cut off, for being unconnected with the truth and given to mischief, will be cut off. (Also fulfilled). Hadhrat Ahmad(as) then said: “There will be a great uprising in the world. That would be the FIRST uprising. (Prophecy on World War 1)
“Monarchs will invade monarchs. There will be so much bloodshed on the earth that it will be filled with blood. The subjects of all monarchs will also fight fearfully among themselves.” (Prophecy on World War II)
Then he (as) ended up by saying:
“There will be universal ruin and destruction. The centre of all this will be Syria” (Prophecy regarding World War III) –
All of us should pray for Syria in every prayer of ours. May Allah Protect them Ameen.
Why Did Allah Choose India:
If the material development dictated where a Prophet was to be raised than the Prophet Muhammad (saw) should have been sent in Rome or in the capital of Iran as they were most developed. However, he was sent among the unlettered people. Not only in the most backward country but also among the illiterate. There was no means for spreading the message nor did they know the art of writing. They were unlettered. This is how Allah proves that its I who does things not you or the developed people. They are rejected despite their wealth and advancement. Allah Chose Punjab which is known as a place which is looked at with derision and mocking. Punjab was like Arabia, full of the ignorant ones and it is for this reason Allah chose it. –
Furthermore we must remember that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) himself prophesied that the Messiah would be sent East of Damascus and Qadian is directly east. In another hadith the Prophet(saw) stated: “The Imam Mahdi will appear in a village the name of which will be called Kad’ah” (Jawahirul Asrar, Page 55)
This name is identical with Qadian, or Kadi, which was what Qadian was formerly known as. This further makes it clear that The Prophet Muhammadsaw was indeed referring to the blessed village of Qadian when he stated that the Messiah would descend East of Damascus.
Hadhrat Ahmad(as) stated:
“Are these arguments not enough proof of my claim that the Holy Qur’an has given so many signs and indications concerning me that it has virtually specified my name, and the Ahadith mention Kad‘ah as the name of my village. The Ahadith also show that the Promised Messiah would be born in the thirteenth century and would appear in the fourteenth. Sahih Bukhari gives my full description.” ([Tadhkirat-ush-Shahadatain, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 20, pp. 30-41])
Prophesies of the Messiah Coming from India:
Hadhrat Ali(ra) who spent a lot of time with the Prophet(saw) and was also his cousin and the fourth Khalifa, rightly Guided by Allah stated:
أطيب ريح في الأرض الهند
Meaning I feel a cool breeze (heavenly breeze) from India. Hadhrat Ali(ra) also knew that the Messiah and Mahdi would come from India. Some also attribute this saying to the Prophet Muhammad (saw) himself. Regardless, it’s obvious that Hadhrat Ali(ra) learned this from the Prophet and was rightly guided. –
Now many are unaware, but the Prophet Muhammad (saw) went to the extent of mentioning Qadian by name! How amazing is that? Yet the anti Ahmadis reject all of these sayings because of their ego and arrogance. The narration is stated in Jawahir-ul-Asrar which was written in 840 A.H, and states : “It is said in the Arbaeen that the Mahdi shall appear in a village named Kada or Kadia. The Holy Prophet said “The Mahdi shall come out of a village named Kada or Kadia. God will bear testimony to his truth, and his companions shall flock to him from distant places, their number being 313 like the number of those who fought at Badr. He shall have with him a printed book containing the number of his companions with their names and the names of their towns.” –
This narration gives us the name of the village and one cannot say that it does not correspond to Qadian. Kadian is a foreign name to the Arabs so it would be natural for them to state it in a different way. The Arabs would pronounce London as Lundra and England as Injalatara. This is their way of speaking. The Mahdi appeared at Qadian and the tradition was completely fulfilled. The original name of this village was Islampur Kadi Majhi which was shortened to Kadi. It is known as Kadian and Kadi. Furthermore, the prophecy of the 313 companions was also fulfilled and printed in the book which was published by Ahmadas which is amazing. The book Anjam-e-Atham of Hadhrat Ahmad(as) has the information of the 313 companions listed by name as the Prophet(sa) prophesied!
Haroof – e- Abjad :
سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ
When Hadhrat Ahmad(as) pondered over the hadith that the signs will come after a specific 200 years (to which the scholars agreed that it means 1200 years) and asked Allah whether he is included in this, Allah told Hadhrat Ahmad(as) to focus on your name Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. Now when we calculate the numerical value of his name, one is amazed. It equals exactly 1300. How amazing is that! –
Here is the calculation for those interested:
ذ =700
Name of the Messiah: غلام أحمد قاديانى
ح =8
د =4
=1300 Years exact time prophesied for the Messiah and Mahdi!
Healing Miracle of the Messiah:
Sign of Hadhrat Ahmad (as) – Mujadidiyyat:
I am beginning a series on the signs of Hadhrat Ahmad(as) and will be posting them whenever I get time. Today’s sign is really special. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) states:
Narrated Abu Hurayrah:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Allah will raise for this community at the end of every hundred years the one who will renovate its religion for it. (Abu Dawud #4291)
“ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَبْعَثُ لِهَذِهِ الأُمَّةِ عَلَى رَأْسِ كُلِّ مِائَةِ سَنَةٍ مَنْ يُجَدِّدُ لَهَا دِينَهَا ” . .
Hadhrat Ahmad(as) was born in Shawwal 14, 1250 on a Friday. He passed away in Rabi Al-Thani 24, 1326. He was a part of the 13th century Hijri and the 14th Century Hijri. This is a authentic hadith and it is not possible that this sign of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) which is a prophecy, ends up failing. –
Some have claimed to be Mujadids of their own times, while others labelled someone else as the mujadid. If this hadith was false, then there is an allegation on all of those pious scholars of the past who claimed to be the mujadid. It is not our responsibility to remember all of the names of the mujadids, in fact we do not even know all of the names of the Prophets. The ummah was spread over a large part of the world, so it is possible that there was more than one mujadid at a time. –
It is agreed that the last mujadid of the ummah would be the Promised Messiah(as) because after him there would be khilafat and the khulafa are then the mujadids. –
Now what is the sign? The sign is that Hadhrat Ahmad(as) is the only one to make this claim before the beginning of the century and he remained alive while there was no other claimant who had his characteristics in opposition to him. This proved his truthfulness. –
The non Ahmadis are at times confused and their scholars have even went to the extent of saying “the fourteenth century is extended” because they knew the Messiah and Mahdi had to come in this time. My next video will be proving that the time of the Mahdi was given by the Prophet(sa) and had to be the exact time of when Allah sent the Messiah(as). Please pray for this video. It will be called : Tariq Jameel and Tariq Masood Exposed
Hadhrat Ahmad(as) – Love for Islam:
I wanted to share a beautiful and inspiring incident of Hadhrat Ahmad(as). Once there was a match of cricket taking place in the grounds of the Madrasah Taleemul Islam. Some elders also went into the field to encourage the youngsters. One of the young sons out of his simplicity asked him that why did you not go to the cricket match? Hadhrat Ahmad(as) during these days was working on the tafseer of Surah Fatiha and was busy and said they will watch the game and come back. However, I am playing that cricket game which has innings that will remain till the day of Judgement. (Malfuzat Volume 2, Page 94)
The Perfect Follower of Hadhrat Muhammad(sa) :
Modern Day Transportation:
Jabir bin Abdullah narrated. That Prophetsaw while discussing about Dajjal said: And his donkey on which he will arrive, will have a span of 40 hands between his two ears.(Musnad Ahmad)
Now no Muslim should start to await a literal donkey because of this prophecy. The Holy Prophetsaw gave us enough signs for us to understand the fulfillment of this prophecy. The Holy Prophetsaw made it clear that this would not be a real donkey as he described its ears to be seventy yards apart which are not seen in the donkeys. The hadith also states that it would be white or shining color which is also not present in this animal. The ahadith also state its eating of fire, which we do not see either. The description makes complete sense for it to be a prophecy for the airplane and the railway train. The part where it is mentioned that one step would cover a journey of a day and a night refers to the distance which can be accomplished by walk in the amount of 24 hours, is a simple step for the Dajjal because of its transportation through this donkey. This further explains how Dajjal would use technology in such a way where it would forget about its true creator.The prophecies of the airplane are not only in the ahadith books accepted by the Sunni Muslims, but also in the Shia Books in great detail. –
For example: “He would have regular stoppages on its way. At every stoppage the public would be invited to come and be seated before he resumes his journey, and every departure would be loudly announced” (Biharul Anwar, Babo Alamate Zouhuri Alaihis-salam min Al-Sufyani Wad Dajjal) –
After reading all of these ahadith, how can one doubt the interpretation of the Ahmadi Muslims?
Misconception About Dajjal:
He would appear on the way between Syria and Iraq and would spread mischief right and left.” This hints towards the fact that trinity and the foundation of three gods was set in Damascus. These are the areas that trinity spread from. However, other narrations also show that Dajjal would spread throughout the world slowly, as we see. The authentic narrations do not say that Dajjal would claim to be a prophet rather Dajjal claiming to be god only shows that the Christians of the end times would play with the scripture as if they were god or claiming to be god.
Another attribute which is given to the Dajjal is that he would bring heaven and hell, and what seems to be heaven would be hell, while what seems to be hell would in reality be heaven. This prophecy in regards to the Dajjal is describing the preaching of the Dajjal which makes its religion like Christianity and its policies seem to be the absolute truth and makes one seem as if they would achieve heaven by attributing a son to Allah, but in reality would be leading themselves to hell. The people who reject this are made to seem as if they are going to be the people of hell, but in reality will be lead to the heavens if they follow Islam properly. The Jannah in these ahadith refer to a life of comfort and luxury and the hellfire refers to not having these materialistic benefits. It shows us that one who follows Dajjal can easily live a luxurious life but one who rejects the Dajjal will live a simple life of a Muslim and not have the benefit of the materialistic aspects to the extent of what Dajjal would have. It compares the Muslim nations to the Christian nations as well. Dajjal has no spiritual benefits but convinces the people that what they possess, will lead to paradise, but in reality leads to the complete opposite. (2)
About Dajjal resurrecting people that is not literal because Allah Makes it clear only He can resurrect the dead and that no one returns from death.
Another characteristic of Dajjal is that he wold say to the heavens to send down rain and instruct the earth to give life to the dead. There are all metaphorical sgns and cannot be taken literally. We see the fulfillment of these prophecies in the technological aspect within the Christian nations of the West. They have advanced to such an extent where it makes people lose the belief of the existence of God since they have tried to take every role of Allah. Another way this is fulfilled is through cloud seeding. According to the Qur’an these attributes cannot be physically given to the Dajjal because Allah Has made it clear that these are only His attributes. Allah States: –
• الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الْأَرْضَ فِرَاشًا وَالسَّمَاءَ بِنَاءً وَأَنْزَلَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً فَأَخْرَجَ بِهِ مِنَ الثَّمَرَاتِ رِزْقًا لَكُمْ ۖ فَلَا تَجْعَلُوا لِلَّهِ أَنْدَادًا وَأَنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ {23}
Who made the earth a bed for you, and the heaven a roof, and caused water to come down from the clouds and therewith brought forth fruits for your sustenance. Set not up, therefore, equals to Allah, while you know.(Chapter 2 verse 23) (3)
What is the true meaning of the killing of Dajjal? Would it be in one stroke or would it be a long task eventually leading to the killing of Dajjal? Let us first see the true meaning of Dajjal which itself makes the issue clear.
If we take Dajjal to be literally as the ulama, then the meaning will be really different. Dajjal would be a very tall human being and his head would be above the clouds. That man would be really heavy, so for his travel, a extraordinary donkey would be created. It would be so huge and would be extremely fast. He would be blind in one eye and have the letters ك ف ر on his forehead. The ulama believe in a literal human being and a literal donkey. If that is the meaning, such a Dajjal will never be born nor will a Messiah who would kill such a thing ever be born as its completely illogical and against the Qur’an and Ahadith. –
We understand these signs metaphorically. We can prove that the process has started. Dajjal applies to a powerful group of people who will be the greatest enemies of Islam(proven from ahadith). There are many signs which were suppose to apply to them. According to the Qur’an and sunnah, our view of Dajjal is the truth. The non Ahmadi Muslims have attributed a lot of metaphorical signs of Dajjal and have completely taken them literally which has confused many Muslims. –
– (4)
1) Dajjal would have one eye, left eye would be big and bright and able to see deep into the earth. The right eye would be blind. When sometimes a single person is shown as a leader, it applies to a whole people in dreams. We understand that the Prophet Muhammad(saw) was shown not one single person, but a great people so tall in their stature that they would dominate the entire world whom no one would be able to destroy physically. Right eye would be blind refers to them being blind religiously. They will believe in God taking Himself a literal son which is their blindness. Their worldly sight would be extremely strong and they would reach even the things below the earth i.e oil, gold etc. All the hidden treasures are clear to them and they highly developed instruments to see below the ground (another sign of dajjal. In the end of Surah al Kahf we are told of this as well. The Prophet(saw) himself told us Surah al Kahf first and last ten verses can protect us from Dajjal, and they mention the dangers of Christianity and their love for the world.
Dajjal is always mentioned with reference to the Messiah of Christianity, Isa(As). This proves Dajjal is related to Christianity as well. The Prophet(saw) emphasized that the biggest Dajjal is Christianity as he instructed us to read Surah Al Kahf first and last ten verses. Everything is so clear.
The first and last ten verses of Surah Al Kahf also mention people showing us that Dajjal in reality is a group of People. Ahadith show us this too (5)
Dajjal is always mentioned with reference to the Messiah of Christianity, Isa(As). This proves Dajjal is related to Christianity as well. The Prophet(saw) emphasized that the biggest Dajjal is Christianity as he instructed us to read Surah Al Kahf first and last ten verses. Everything is so clear.
The first and last ten verses of Surah Al Kahf also mention people showing us that Dajjal in reality is a group of People. Ahadith show us this too. –
People think Dajjal would be killed by the sword, but this is completely wrong. The Holy Prophet(saw) speaks of the latter days and dajjal and the messiah, and clearly says that when Messiah was suppose to fight Dajjal, Allah will Say we have created two powerful nations, and God has not given any human being two hands to fight these people, so go under the cover of the mountain and pray to Allah. With your prayer God will ultimately melt him. This is the true meaning of killing of Dajjal. Can the maulvis understand better than the Prophet (saw). The ahadith also mention that Dajjal would be killed with arguments and all of these ahadith are authentic.
Now another interesting thing is Dajjal is a great people divided into two parts. Two great parts. The Media and the proletariat. Capitalists and communists. It is the Christian world that got divided into two parts. The Holy Prophet(saw) was clearly told that the Dajjal would be found in two great parts both emerging from Christianity. It was evident that the Christian world divided into two parts. One was the communists and the other was the capitalists. The Prophet(saw) prophesied that without you fighting him with your sword, God will listen to your prayers and begin to melt them. We already see more than half the Dajjal melting. Dajjal has started to melt, and the only cure to being safe today is true Islam, Ahmadiyyat. (6)
Hadhrat Ahmad(as) stated:
The word Dajjal has two connotations: First, it signifies a group which supports falsehood and works with cunning and deceit. Secondly, it is the name of the Satan who is the father of all falsehood and corruption. [Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 22, p. 326]
Dajjal is not the name of one man. According to the Arabic lexicon, Dajjal signifies a group of people who present themselves as trustworthy and pious, but are neither trustworthy nor pious. Rather, everything they say is full of dishonesty and deceit. This characteristic is to be found in the class of Christians known as the clergy. Another group is that of the philosophers and thinkers who are busy trying to assume control of machines, industries and the Divine scheme of things. They are the Dajjal because they deceive God’s creatures by their actions and tall claims as if they are partners in God’s dominion. The clergy are arrogating to themselves the status of Prophethood because they ignore the true heavenly Gospel and spread a perverted and corrupted version as the supposed translation of the Gospel. [Kitab-ul-Bariyyah, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 13, pp. 243-244, footnote]
There are many more writings of Hadhrat Ahmad(as) on Dajjal and the killing of dajjal. We are extremely blessed to have the true meaning of these concepts according to Qur’an and ahadith as other Muslims have treated Dajjal as some one-eyed monster who would do the most mysterious things one can imagine. (7)
The Perfect Ten:
When we do tabligh, many non Ahmadi Muslims ask about some specific signs that the Messiah was to bring. Alhamdulillah Hadhrat Ahmad (as) fulfilled all of these signs and this further proves his truthfulness. This post will focus on the main signs they ask about.
One sign was that the Messiah was to descend with two yellow sheets. Now according to interpretation of Islamic dreams, the yellow colour refers to two ailments. Furthermore, the Prophet (sa) discouraged yellow for men, so why would he then say a Prophet would come wearing yellow? In reality, this sign meant the messiah would have two illnesses and Hadhrat Ahmad (as) had two ailments and despite them, the work he did for Islam is nowhere to be found in the history of the followers of the Prophet (sa).
In Haqiqatul Wahi pages 387 forward, Hadhrat Ahmad (as) explains the perfect ten signs. I will summarize them. 1. He will descend with two yellow sheets. 2. He would descend with his hands on the shoulders of two angels. 3. Disbelievers will die from his breath. 4. He will appear as if emerging after just having bathed and drops of water will appear to be trickling down from his head like pearls. 5. He will perform the circuit of Kabah opposite to Dajjal. 6. He will break the cross. 7. He will kill the swine 8. He will take a wife and have children 9. He will slay the dajjal 10. He will not be killed but shall die a natural death and be buried inside the tomb of the Prophet (sa) (Which is obviously not allowed if taken literal)
I have already explained the sign of two yellow sheets. The two angels symbolize two supports from the unseen. The first being God given knowledge regarding incontrovertible evidence based on reason and record, that shall be vouchsafed to him without any effort and exertion on his part. And secondly, the incontrovertible arguments through signs which will be sent down by God without any human intervention.
His descent with his hands resting on the shoulders of two angels means that his progress will become accessible from the unseen and the angels will help him in his work. All prophets come with angels. With their coming, more angels descend on the true believers.
As for killing the disbelievers with his breath, the non Ahmadis actually take this literal and say the Messiah would have some sort of dragon fire breath, God forbid. This is not why Allah Sends prophets. In reality, it would mean his arguments, his attention and his presence would end the disbelievers. We see this from the books of Hadhur (as) and his challenges. Whenever I read his books I am amazed. For example, we see how Hadhrat Ahmad (as) spoke to Abdul Haq Ghaznavi. He was an opponent of Hadhrat Ahmad (as) and Hadhur (as) would challenge him that look your father who was a great saint of Islam prophesied before his death that a light would descend in Qadian and his sons will not benefit. The father also said “that light is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad”. Abdul Haqq Ghaznavi continued opposition but never spoke against this and became like the dead. In the same way all other maulvis were silenced by Hadhur (as) and so were all opponents of Islam.
The appearance of the Messiah compared to one who has taken a bath means that his repeated supplication would keep refreshing his link with God because according to ahadith water refers to spiritual purity as well and also refers to revelation. The pearls refer to him being pure from any sin as well.
he Prophet (sa) seeing the Messiah and Dajjal performing circuits around the Kabah meant that the Messiah would protect Islam from the evils of the Dajjal.
Breaking the cross meant that Hadhrat Ahmad (as) would show the true teachings of Hadhrat Isa(as) even through the bible and also show the Christians that our God is the living God. Many as we see, are leaving Christianity after reading the works of Hadhrat Ahmad (as).
Killing swine means that the foul mouthed enemies would be destroys and those who join his jamaat would be cleansed and not be like the swine
Hadhrat Ahmad (as) marrying and having children refer to his pious progeny which we also see fulfilled. The Prophet (sa) hinted towards pious children as many have children and there would be nothing special in such a prophecy if it wasn’t referring to the spirituality of these children.
Killing of Dajjal meant that with his coming, the mischief of dajjal would start to decline and true pure hearts would return to the oneness of God. This was also fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled.
Being in the grave of the Prophet (sa) is of course not literal. How can we believe that the Prophet (sa) grave would be opened? In reality, this meant that the Messiah would be so close to the Prophet (sa) as if they were buried together and one and the same person. This was also prophesied in the other ahadith.
Everyone should read Haqiqatul Wahi and make it a part of them. It will change your
The Promised Son:
This post will be on my beloved Khalifa, Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad(ra). After the Promised Messiah(as), he is the most prominent religious personality of the twentieth century. His life and achievements tower over those of his contemporaries, whether they be religious leaders, scholars or heads of the state. Through his magnificence, he produced some of the greatest Islamic scholars which changed Islam forever. He became the Khalifa at the young age of 25, and led the community for over 50 years. Reading his early books from a young age even show his amazing knowledge in regards to Islam and prove he was Guided by Allah. –
Firstly, we must remember that he was born of a prophecy. The Promised Messiah(as) was told about a Promised Son who would be extremely handsome who would be invested with the holy spirit, and be free from all impurity. This was fulfilled in Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad(ra). Even the Holy Prophet(saw), many Muslim saints and even the Bible prophesied about the Messiah and how his Caliphate would be passed onto his son.
One beautiful incident is that as a child when he was only four years of age, Hadhrat Hakim Nuruddin (ra) passed down and said “Mian! You do not do any work all and play all day. Your father does a lot of hard work”. The young Bashiruddin replied: “When I grow up, I will do a lot of work too”. Responding to this Hadhrat Maulvi Nuruin(ra) said “Your father thinks the same, too”.
One day Syed Sarwar Shah(ra), who used to teach Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad(ra) in school, asked him: “Your father receives many revelations. Do you also receive revelations and see dreams? At this, the young Bashiruddin replied: “Maulvi sahib, I see a lot of dreams and one particular dream I see very frequently is that I am commanding an army”. Syed Sarwar Shah sahib narrates that when he heard him say this, he knew that he would one day lead the Jamaat.
One inspiring incident is that at the demise of the Promised Messiah(as), Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad(ra) stated: “If all the people leave you and I am left alone, I shall face the entire world by myself and would not care for any opposition or hostility.”
When the opponents began to mock Ahmadiyyat, Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad(ra) wrote the book “Who can Remove the Light of the Truthful”? This was his first book and when Hadhrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddin (ra) read this book, he told Maulana Muhammad Ali (who later led the Lahoris and opposed the Promised Son:
“Maulwi sahib both you and I have written a response to the objections raised by opponents after the demise of the Promised Messiah(as). However Mian Mahmood excelled us both” (2)
A Dream of Hadhrat Ghulam Rasul Rajeki Sahib (ra):
“One day in my dream a person asked me about the throne of God. I told him “Let us go and I shall show it to you”. We began to fly until we reached the lower level of God’s throne. Looking at it from below, we found it to be red like the evening twilight. After this, we wished to see the Throne of God from the above and found ourselves at a point above. We saw a dome of light n the middle of the Throne that was emitting rays brighter than the sun and displaying great splendour, and might. It was conveyed to our hearts that this dome of light was God Who was manifesting Himself. A this, I said to my companion that we should see God from close up and advanced towards him. When I reached Him, I saw Him manifesting in the form of our leader, Hadhrat Mahmood. At that moment I became certain, that in this age, the representative of the heavenly regime, and the greatest person on earth, who is the manifestation of God, was our leader Hadhrat Mahmood.”
This was a dream and seeing oneself as a manifestation of God means one is rightly guided.
He also established all of the organizations such as Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya and Lajna Imailah and also the Tehrik e Jadid scheme which focussed on preaching, education and training. (3)
The Khutba of our Beloved Imam was on this subject this week. Everyone should listen to it right away! Such a spiritual khutba!
Why Called Ibn Maryam?
When doing tabligh, we should always prove the death of Hadhrat Isa(as) first. The reason for this is, mainly Muslims reject the Promised Messiah(as) because they believe Isa(as) is alive in the heavens. The Qur’an has made it clear that Isa(as) has died and will not return. Quran also makes it clear that our khulafa would be from our own ummah. However, at the same time the Prophet Muhammad (sa) also prophesied that a Messiah will come and has named him Isa Ibn Maryam as well. Let us go through this step by step which makes everything crystal clear. –
1) In the ahadith where the latter day Messiah is referred to as Isa Ibn Maryam, the Prophet (sa) himself makes it clear that it would not be the messiah of Bani Israel. He himself in the very same ahadith says that he would be your imam from among you, meaning that he would be from the Muslims and not the Prophet sent to Bani Israel.
2) Secondly, the ahadith themselves make it clear that it is a metaphorical term for the messiah showing that he would resemble Hadhrat Isa(as) because the signs mentioned are metaphorical as well. For example, the ahadith say he would break the cross and kill the swine. This is not literal, rather metaphorical. Cross meaning he would establish the superiority of Islam over Christianity and swine referring to some enemies of Islam who would be humiliated and also those who join the true Islam would lose their swinish habits. –
3) The same ahadith call the Muslims like the Yahood. Why? Because they were also going to reject their messiah as the Jews did. If you don’t believe the Muslims are literally Jewish, then why take the Messiah son of Mary to be literal?
4) Now some ask why is “like Isa Ibn Maryam” not mentioned. Why did Allah not use the word “like”? When someone is strong we call him a lion. And when someone is independent we call him Ghani. The Qur’an uses such metaphorical language as well without the word “like” as it is much stronger that way. Hadhrat Muhammad (sa) also used such language as we will soon see in this post.
The Qur’anic examples for example say that for every man his works are fastened to his neck (17:14). No one takes this literally. Women are called a tilth in the Qur’an and no one takes this literally either. They are also called garments. Once again not literal.
5) The next point is that the Prophet (sa) used the word “descend” (nazala) and not “return” (raja). This same word is used for the Prophet (sa) in the Qur’an. Does anyone believe he physically came from the skies? The Qur’an uses the same term for cattle and clothing and never refers to someone coming from the heavens.
6) The next point is extremely important. When the Prophet (sa described Hadhrat Isa(as) in the ahadith who was sent to Bani Israel, he said he was a man of reddish skin color with curly hair. On the very same page of Sahih Bukhari, you will find a hadith describing the latter day Messiah. Imam Bukhari did this so people understand it is referring to two different people. In this hadith which comes right after, the latter day Messiah is described as a brown man of beautiful complexion who has long hair. Completely different description. This reviver is also called Persian in Bukhari and not from Bani Israel. –
7) Now when we turn to the Qur’an again and the Prophet Muhammad (sa) we see the same thing. In Chapter 19 Verse 29, Maryam (as) is called the sister of Aaron, although she was not physically the sister of Aaron, the brother of Moses (as). There are over 1300 years of difference between them. One answer we give to this is the beautiful response by the Prophet (sa). Hadhrat Al Mughirah bin Shubah was sent to Najran and the Christians asked him this same question that why is Maryam(as) called sister of Harun when there was a great gap between them? The Prophet (sa) said:
أَلاَّ أَخْبَرْتَهُمْ أَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا يُسَمُّونَ بِأَنْبِيَائِهِمْ وَالصَّالِحِينَ قَبْلَهُمْ
Meaning why didn’t you tell them that they were named after their prophets and righteous people before them? (Jamia’t Tirmidhi, Book 47, Hadith #3449)
This hadith cannot be rejected by the non Ahmadi Muslims. They know this is the reality and that pure people are named after the names of other Prophets and the righteous!
8) When the Prophet (sa) became ill and wanted Hadhrat Abu Bakr (ra) to lead the prayer, Hadhrat Aisha(ra) said that he was soft-hearted and would not be able to lead without weeping. The Prophet (sa) replied that you women are the companions of Joseph (as). Was Hadhrat Aisha(ra) really a companion of Hadhrat Yusuf(as) who came long before the Prophet (sa)? Of course not! It was metaphorical and here the Prophet (sa) said إِنَّكُنَّ صَوَاحِبُ يُوسُفَ with emphasis.
9) In Sahih Bukhari Hadhrat Muhammad (sa) is called Ibn Abi Kabsha although he was not physically his son.
10)Hadhrat Abu Hurairah, the father of cats was obviously not the physical father of cats.
11) In the Qur’an in chapter 66 verse 13 people of this ummah are also called Ibn Maryam and this is the strongest proof which no one can answer. Allah made it clear that this ummah would have a messiah called Ibn Maryam and that he would raise him to this status. The ahadith further support this and the Prophet (sa) metaphorically called others Isa Ibn Maryam to refer to purity and said all are touched by Satan except Isa Ibn Maryam and his mother, meaning those who have such qualities are not touched by satan.
I will In sha Allah make a video on these points as well please pray that the video is successful. (4)
I cite in my support the explicit and unequivocal verses of the Holy Qur’an, the Traditions and the consensus of the Companions of the Holy Prophet(sa), but my opponents refuse to listen and start shouting and calling me an apostate and Antichrist. I challenge them all to prove from the Holy Qur’an that Jesus(as) ascended to the heavens alive, or to produce anything that contradicts what the Holy Prophet(sa) witnessed, or to disprove the Consensus in the presence of Hadrat Abu Bakr(ra) on the occasion of the demise of the Holy Prophet(sa); but no reply comes forth. Some others vociferously ask that if Jesus Son of Mary was not meant to come again, then why was the Promised Messiah named ‘Jesus son of Mary’? I say that this is a silly objection. Isn’t it surprising that these very objectors exercise the right to name their own children as Moses, Jesus, Ahmad, Abraham, or Isma‘il, but are ready to object if God names the future Prophet as Jesus(as)! In this context, the crucial point to consider was whether the Promised One was accompanied by the signs or not. Had they sought to find those signs in the Promised one, they would never have had the daring to reject.(Lecture Ludhiana Page 60) (5)
The Perfect 10:
When we do tabligh, many non Ahmadi Muslims ask about some specific signs that the Messiah was to bring. Alhamdulillah Hadhrat Ahmad (as) fulfilled all of these signs and this further proves his truthfulness. This post will focus on the main signs they ask about.
One sign was that the Messiah was to descend with two yellow sheets. Now according to interpretation of Islamic dreams, the yellow colour refers to two ailments. Furthermore, the Prophet (sa) discouraged yellow for men, so why would he then say a Prophet would come wearing yellow? In reality, this sign meant the messiah would have two illnesses and Hadhrat Ahmad (as) had two ailments and despite them, the work he did for Islam is nowhere to be found in the history of the followers of the Prophet (sa).
In Haqiqatul Wahi pages 387 forward, Hadhrat Ahmad (as) explains the perfect ten signs. I will summarize them. 1. He will descend with two yellow sheets. 2. He would descend with his hands on the shoulders of two angels. 3. Disbelievers will die from his breath. 4. He will appear as if emerging after just having bathed and drops of water will appear to be trickling down from his head like pearls. 5. He will perform the circuit of Kabah opposite to Dajjal. 6. He will break the cross. 7. He will kill the swine 8. He will take a wife and have children 9. He will slay the dajjal 10. He will not be killed but shall die a natural death and be buried inside the tomb of the Prophet (sa) (Which is obviously not allowed if taken literal)
I have already explained the sign of two yellow sheets. The two angels symbolize two supports from the unseen. The first being God given knowledge regarding incontrovertible evidence based on reason and record, that shall be vouchsafed to him without any effort and exertion on his part. And secondly, the incontrovertible arguments through signs which will be sent down by God without any human intervention.
His descent with his hands resting on the shoulders of two angels means that his progress will become accessible from the unseen and the angels will help him in his work. All prophets come with angels. With their coming, more angels descend on the true believers.
As for killing the disbelievers with his breath, the non Ahmadis actually take this literal and say the Messiah would have some sort of dragon fire breath, God forbid. This is not why Allah Sends prophets. In reality, it would mean his arguments, his attention and his presence would end the disbelievers. We see this from the books of Hadhur (as) and his challenges. Whenever I read his books I am amazed. For example, we see how Hadhrat Ahmad (as) spoke to Abdul Haq Ghaznavi. He was an opponent of Hadhrat Ahmad (as) and Hadhur (as) would challenge him that look your father who was a great saint of Islam prophesied before his death that a light would descend in Qadian and his sons will not benefit. The father also said “that light is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad”. Abdul Haqq Ghaznavi continued opposition but never spoke against this and became like the dead. In the same way all other maulvis were silenced by Hadhur (as) and so were all opponents of Islam.
The appearance of the Messiah compared to one who has taken a bath means that his repeated supplication would keep refreshing his link with God because according to ahadith water refers to spiritual purity as well and also refers to revelation. The pearls refer to him being pure from any sin as well.
The Prophet (sa) seeing the Messiah and Dajjal performing circuits around the Kabah meant that the Messiah would protect Islam from the evils of the Dajjal.
Breaking the cross meant that Hadhrat Ahmad (as) would show the true teachings of Hadhrat Isa(as) even through the bible and also show the Christians that our God is the living God. Many as we see, are leaving Christianity after reading the works of Hadhrat Ahmad (as).
Killing swine means that the foul mouthed enemies would be destroys and those who join his jamaat would be cleansed and not be like the swine
Hadhrat Ahmad (as) marrying and having children refer to his pious progeny which we also see fulfilled. The Prophet (sa) hinted towards pious children as many have children and there would be nothing special in such a prophecy if it wasn’t referring to the spirituality of these children.
Killing of Dajjal meant that with his coming, the mischief of dajjal would start to decline and true pure hearts would return to the oneness of God. This was also fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled.
Being in the grave of the Prophet (sa) is of course not literal. How can we believe that the Prophet (sa) grave would be opened? In reality, this meant that the Messiah would be so close to the Prophet (sa) as if they were buried together and one and the same person. This was also prophesied in the other ahadith.
Everyone should read Haqiqatul Wahi and make it a part of them. It will change your life!
A Miraculous Incident:
Miracle Shown by Allah, Connecting the Hearts of the Righteous: Hadhrat Maulvi Abdullahra was a companion who mentioned a beautiful story. There was an elderly person from Iran, who continued to get the following revelation:
مقصود توں از قادیان حاصل می شود
Meaning, that your purpose will find you in Qadian. How would people in Iran know what or where Qadian is? The elderly person reached Peshawar and then finally reached Qadian through directions from others. When he reached Qadian, he would ask people in the markets, that where is Mirza sahib? Where is the Promised Messiah? However, the people of the marketplace were uneducated. They did not even know Urdu, how would they know Persian? They did not understand him and could not answer him. At this time, Hadhrat Ahmadas left his house for a journey but after a few steps, Allah Revealed that a person is looking for you in the marketplace. Hadhuras turned back and when he reached the marketplace, he saw the person from Iran. When the Irani found out that the Promised Messiahas had arrived, he attached himself to him and embraced him. Both the Irani and Hadhrat Ahmadas began to cry, and the companions also cried. This brought a new wave of faith in the companions.
Inconceivable Miracle:
One miracle of Hadhrat Ahmad (as) which I feel is sadly overlooked by both Ahmadi Muslims and non Ahmadi Muslims, is his knowledge of the Arabic Language. This really bothers me because in my humble opinion, after the Prophet Muhammad (sa), this is the greatest miracle given to any Prophet! Hadhrat Ahmad (as) was from Qadian, India and he(as) challenged all of the scholars including those in Saudi Arabia, and made it clear that Allah Has Given him the knowledge of the Arabic language which is a sign for his truth. Hadhur (as) made the claim that Allah Taught him the Qur’an. He was taught the knowledge of 40,000 words of the Arabic language in a single night! This includes the language, the grammar, words, roots and a lot more. In his profound book “The Need for the Imam” Hadhrat Ahmad (as) states: “God has given me four signs: 1. I have been given the sign of eloquence and mastery in Arabic, as a reflection of the Quranic miracle of eloquence, and no one can challenge me on this.” (The Need for the Imam Page 42)
The leading Arabic scholars could not dare to step up to the challenge of Hadhrat Ahmad(as). He (as) gave these challenges from India where Arabic was neither a spoken or written language. It was respected but not given as much importance. Ijazul Masih was his first book in choice Arabic language and he (as) challenged the Arab scholars in this book. It left me amazed and speechless. –
One scholar in particular who was challenged was Allama Rashid Rida who was the editor of the magazine called Al Manar from Cairo. Hadhur (as) said that if he writes better commentary than him, he is prepared to burn all of his books! Hadhur (as) stated:
Even if their fathers and their sons and their helpers and their learned and their wise and their jurists put their heads together they will not be able to produce a commentary like it.
Hadhur (as) prophesied that anyone who tries to write a response would be humbled and ut to shame. Some more Arabic books of the Messiah(as) are as follows:
1. Minanur Rahman; 2. Khutba Ilhamia; 3. Najmulhuda; 4. Tuhfatul Baghdad; 5. Nurul Haq; 6. Ijaz-e-Ahmadi; 7. Hamamatul Bushra; 8. Lujjatun-Nur; 9. Hujjatullah; 10. Mowahibur Rahman; 11. Albalagh; 12. Targhibul Momineen; 13. Sirrul Khilafa; 14. Istifta; 15. Sirat-ul-Abdal; 16. Karamat-us-Sadiqeen; 17. Al-Anzar; 18. Itmamul Hujjat; 19. Alhuda etc.
Hadhur (as) also wrote many beautiful Qasaid in the Arabic language and offered a reward of 10,000 rupees to a successful competitor. No one was able to respond from the entire world, including Arab countries. This is a sign which is enough for his truth!
Hadhur (as) stated:
Look, I cite the earth and the heavens as witnesses that from today I make this sign as decisive if I am truthful and God the Great knows I am truthful. It will never be within the range of possibility for Maulvi Sanaullah and all their ulema to compose the like of this eulogy together with its Urdu text in the course of five days. For, God the Almighty will break their pens and their minds deft. And Maulvi Sanaullah cannot have ground to suspect that the eulogy had been composed much earlier, for, if he would read it with his eyes open, he will find that it relates to the controversy. If I had, therefore, composed it before the event then surely he must credit me with foreknowledge of the hidden. (Ijaz-e-Ahmadi. p. 37)
This miracle also took form in the revealed sermon called Khutba Ilhamia, which was delivered on April 11, 1900 in front of a large gathering. This was the first public Arabic speech of the Messiah(as) and was just perfect. This challenge remains alive till today.
Nowadays, some raise allegations against Hadhur’s(as) Arabic and claim there are errors in his writings. The opponents during his time also said this and he challenged them that for each error they spot he would give them five rupees. No one was able to step forward. Even the errors which people say exist are not in reality errors. Rather, the classical Arabs spoke Arabic in the same way and there is countless of proof for this. We should spread this miracle everywhere so people are aware!
Services of the Imam Mahdi:
Many of the Muslims are unaware of the magnificent services of Hadhrat Ahmad (as). He (as) is the cure the ummah needs, as prophesied by the Prophet Muhammad (sa). One of the grand signs of the Messiah was to revive the faith of Islam and show the world what Islam is truly about and at the same time defend the religion of Islam against vile allegations. For him to do this, it is obvious that Muslims would have attributed wrong beliefs to Islam and that many Muslims would have went astray. This is exactly what we see. Those who follow the true path are blessed and those who oppose the Messenger are ruined. Let us see one aspect of the life of Hadhrat Ahmad (as) which relates to reviving the true Islam.
The Mahdi and Messiah was called the Hakamu Adal meaning the arbitrator and the just. He would give the final verdicts on the so many different views held by the sects. Death of Hadhrat Isa(as) was not the only issue solved, rather it was one of the thousands of teachings revived by the Messiah.
All sects of Islam had gone astray to some extent. This includes the Shia Muslims. For example, in the works of the Shia scholars, it is written that Hadhrat Ali (ra) is superior to all of the prophets excluding the Prophet Muhammad (sa). (1)
Let us turn to the Barelvis. They believe that the qualities and power of God have been shared among the dead. For example, they believe the saints who have died can exercise their powers from their graves (Ahkam-e-Shariat) and they also go to the extent of worshipping graves. They believe some graves can cure illnesses while others can bestow children. Some give sons and others give daughters. Their scholar named Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan has also said that the idols cannot help us but the dead saints and prophets have the power to harm and bestow blessings.
Now we turn to the Deobandis. They have a different view of God. They go to the extent of believing that God has the power to commit sin A Deobandi book states that we do not accept that it is impossible for God to lie because that would mean that the human powers are greater than those of God (Maulvi Muhammad Ismail). The maulvis have been debating these heretical things for a really long time. They say whatever man can do, God can also do which in a way limits God and attributes weakness to Him. Both these sects also attribute false miracles to saints. –
Their view on angles is also absurd. For example,in regards to Harut and Marut they say Allah put all the human desires in them and they were entrapped in the love of a Parsi woman named Zuhrah. She lured them into drinking, and then committed fornication, apostasy and murder and because of their sins, they will be inflicted with numerous types of punishment till the day of Judgment (Tafsir Ahsanut Tafsir). Shias on the other hand believe that the angels saw the pain of Imam Hussain (ra) and asked Allah to help him but the time they reached the earth, Imam Hussain (ra) had been martyred (Jilal ul Uyun).
Now when we turn to the views of these sects on the Qur’an, we are left speechless. The Shia commentaries say that the original Qur’an is not available. Some say ten parts are missing while some say parts have even been changed! (Tafsir Saifi). Allama Syed Ali al Hairi said ten parts are missing and said some Surahs are missing parts. One group of Shias say that Hadhrat Gabriel was in reality going to come to Hadhrat Ali (ra) but mistook the Prophet (sa) as Ali (ra).
Some scholars started to argue that the earth does not rotate, like Iqtidar Ahmad Khan Naimi. He also said gravity does not exist. Even the popular commentaries are not free from these errors. For example in Tafsir Ruhul Ma’ani it is said that Allah has created an ocean beyond the earth which encompasses the earth. There are many other such statements.
Maududi had a lot of false views in his commentary as well. He went to the extent of questioning the names of Surahs. He gave some horrible commentary of some verses. For example, he said women of paradise are in reality daughters of non Muslims!
In one book of Hanafis which is widely followed it says that to cure a nosebleed one can write surah al Fatiha on the inflicted one’s forehead and nose with blood, it is also permissible to write surah Al Fatiha with urine! (Raddul Mukhtar ala Durril Mukhtar).
That was only the beginning. When we look at the stories they have attributed to Prophets, we can only pray for them. In Tafsir Husaini, Hadhrat Adam(as) is accused of apostasy. Tafsir Jalalain also says this. In Tafsir Ma’alimatut-Tanzil, it says that Hadhrat Idris (as) is alive in heavens and he entered it with a clever move and then refused to leave it. In Tafsir Kashaf it states that Hadhrat Lut (as) offered his daughters to the towns men so they can marry them and this was allowed by God so they don’t have sexual relations with men. –
Hadhrat Dawud (as) is also accused. In the commentary Tafsir Jami’ul Bayan and Tafsir al Baghawi it is said that he (as) was in his balcony reciting the praise of Allah and then satan came as a golden bird and fell near him. So he went to catch it and the bird flew to a low wall. Then he left the praise of Allah and ran after the gold (the bird). Then when he climbed the wall, he saw a woman bathing and fell in love with her and conspired to send her husband to die in war and then marry her! How absurd that they attribute such things to prophets!
Then they also raised allegations on Hadhrat Yusuf(as) and they portray him as someone who was a slave to his urges. They say that he(as) was ready for adultery and some even say that he stole!
Their commentaries do not even leave the Prophet (sa) free of allegations. Tafsir Jalalain suggests that the Prophet (sa) was revealed to by satan. It is also written that he (sa) went to the house of Hadhrat Zaid(ra) for some purpose and then he fell in love with Hadhrat Zainab(ra) God forbid! –
They also believe that the Prophet (sa) did indulge in minor sins and this includes many of their great scholars. Majority of the Muslims believe that the Prophet (sa) was God forbid affected by black magic and taught the punishment of death for apostates and that the Qur’an has verses which are abrogated. –
These are only some of the false beliefs which Hadhrat Ahmad (as) saved Islam from. We are extremely blessed to be Ahmadi Muslims alhamdulillah!
His Blessed Description:
Dr Mir Muhammad Ismail (ra) stated: “The Promised Messiah was very gentle and mild of heart and temperament, merciful and magnanimous, very hospitable, the most courageous among men. In times of hardship and trial, when the hearts of others sank in their breasts, he marched forward fearless like a lion. Forgiveness, overlooking the faults of others, liberality, humility of mind, loyalty, simplicity, love of God, love for the Holy Prophet, respect for those holy persons eminent in the history of Islam, sanctity of commitment, beauty in actual daily life, dignity, jealous regard where a point of honor was involved, right resolve, a smiling face and an open brow- these were the most prominent traits of his character and personality. I first saw the Promised Messiah when I was a child only two or three years old. And he disappeared from my view in death when I was a young man of 27. But most solemnly I go on oath before God that in all my life I have
never seen a man better in morals than he, more virtuous, more full of kindness and compassion and solicitude for the welfare of others, more full of
love for God and His Apostles. Indeed, he was a light which shone in this world for the benefit of
mankind, and he was like the gentle and fruitful rain which comes down after difficult years of dryness and enriches the earth.” (Seeratul Mahdi,
Part III, concluding note)
A Grand Prophecy:
I recently watched the documentary of Dr. Abdus Salam and in this documentary, we saw Zia ul Haqq and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. They are two opponents of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, both destroyed by Allah the Almighty. We are all aware of the destruction of Zia ul Haqq, but many forget that the death of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was actually a fulfillment of a prophecy of Hadhrat Ahmad (as). He was an opponent of the Jamaat and heavily persecuted Ahmadi Muslims. During his reign, many Ahmadi Muslim homes were looted and burned and many Ahmadi Muslims lost their lives. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto took the credit for declaring Ahmadi Muslims non Muslims. He was then charged for the abetment of the murder of a political opponent in 1974 and then hanged on April 4, 1979, despite many pleas for clemency by countries all over the world. Bhuttos age at this time was 51 years and 3 months which fulfilled the following prophecy of Hadhrat Ahmad (as): كَلْبٌ يَموتُ على كَلْبٍ
” That is [Arabic] He is a dog and he will die according to the value of the letters in the word kalb [dog], which amounts to fifty-two.”
Hadhrat Ahmad (as) explained: This means that his age will not exceed fifty-two years and that he will die within the course of his fifty second year. [Izala-e-Auham, pp. 186–187, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 190]
Hadhur (as) explained that the letters in the word dog points to the age of a specific person. “كلب” the Arabic word for dog amounts to 52. This prophecy was fulfilled word to word eighty eight years after the prophecy was made. Hadhrat Ahmad(as) was not even aware of Bhutto yet Allah Revealed such a grand prophecy to him.
Sign for Shias:
As we know, Hadhrat Ahmad (as) fulfilled the authentic ahadith in both Sunni literature and Shia literature. One Shia narration says:
يملك القائم تسع عشرة سنة و أشهرا
According to Al-Nu’mani’s “Al-Ghaybah”, the Mahdi’s reign will be 19 years and a few months.
The Mahdi founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at on 23.3.1889; he passed away on 26.5.1908.
19 years, 2 months and 3 days. Hijri calender:
Jama’at founded: 21.7.1306
Demise: 25.4.1326
19 years, 9 months and 4 days.