Allegations on Ahmadiyya
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Allegations on Ahmadiyya

Ahmadis don’t perform Hajj? :

One of the biggest lies of the anti Ahmadis, is that Ahmadi Muslims do not do Hajj. I don’t really know how to explain how big of a lie this is. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) always desired to do Hajj and was the greatest Muslim to ever be born to this ummah according to the Prophet (saw)’s prophecies. He lived every step of his life in accordance to the teachings of the Qur’an and sunnah. Such allegations really hurt us Ahmadis as the anti Ahmadis declare the greatest lover of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) to be against the Islamic teachings, even though he followed them as a perfect follower of the Prophet(saw). Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) stated:
O ye people who consider yourselves members of my community! You will be counted as such in heaven when you truly tread upon the ways of righteousness. So, offer the five daily prayers in such fear and with such complete attention as though you were actually beholding God Almighty. Sincerely observe your fasts for the sake of God. Let everyone who is liable to pay the Zakat do so and anyone upon whom the Hajj has become obligatory and who face no hindrance ought to perform the pilgrimage.(Noah’s Ark, Page 26)
“The circuit is a sign of the lovers of God. They go round the Ka’ba as if they have no will of their own left and they are devoted wholly to Him.” “A person who ignores even the smallest injunction from the 700 commandments of the Holy Qur’an he closes the door to salvation upon himself by his very own hand” “These days the journey for Hajj has become very easy, therefore people should go to hajj” “It is true that the journey of Hajj has become quite easy these days, and it is our heartfelt desire as well but I think to myself will I ever be able to see the grave of the Holy Prophet(saw)” Someone went for the Promised Messiah(as) to do Hajj. According to authentic ahadith it is clear that the Messiah would not be able to do Hajj physically because of all the hatred from the Muslims he was to receive. It is also clear from the Qur’an that if your pathway is not safe, then you do not have to go and someone may go in their place.The day is not far when majority doing Hajj will be Ahmadi Muslims in sha Allah 🙂

Own Heaven and Hell :

The next false allegation of the ignorant Anti Ahmadis is that we have a heaven and hell in Rabwah. It’s sad that people believe in all of these lies without thinking or researching. It is a often raised allegation. Never did Ahmadis ever claim this. No one can make a heaven and hell.
However, we do have a graveyard called Bahisthi Maqbara which is the name of the graveyard. The anti Ahmadis mock this but forget that the Prophet(saw) named his graveyard Janatul Baqi. This is only a dua and states that such a graveyard is for heavenly and righteous people. Allah revealed to the Promised Messiah(as) that the heavenly people and righteous people would be buried here.
This was a prophecy of the Prophet(saw) as well that the Messiah would form a heavenly jamaat who would sacrifice so much for Allah which would eventually lead them to heaven as the Qur’an states:
‎إِنَّ اللَّهَ اشْتَرَىٰ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ أَنفُسَهُمْ وَأَمْوَالَهُم بِأَنَّ لَهُمُ الْجَنَّةَ ۚ يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ فَيَقْتُلُونَ وَيُقْتَلُونَ ۖ وَعْدًا عَلَيْهِ حَقًّا فِي التَّوْرَاةِ وَالْإِنجِيلِ وَالْقُرْآنِ ۚ وَمَنْ أَوْفَىٰ بِعَهْدِهِ مِنَ اللَّهِ ۚ فَاسْتَبْشِرُوا بِبَيْعِكُمُ الَّذِي بَايَعْتُم بِهِ ۚ وَذَٰلِكَ هُوَ الْفَوْزُ الْعَظِيمُ
Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.(Chapter 9 verse 112)

Is Ahmadiyya a Cult:

  • Since the anti Ahmadis and the Anti Islamists in general have no reply to our arguments nor a response to our growth, they have labelled us a cult. This is totally false. Firstly, let me make it clear that Ahmadiyyat is the true Islam and the Prophesied sect to unite the Muslims in the end times. The Prophet(saw) made it clear that all sects would be on one side alone, while the true Islam will be alone on the other side.

    Our motto is Love for all, Hatred for none, how can we be a cult? One allegation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is Ahmadi Muslims are not allowed to question. This is completely false. We have full rights to ask questions. In fact, we even have many discussions on how to improve the work we do. Everyone has a right to speak. I am not better than anyone, everyone is given equal rights. We ask our Khalifa questions regularly. The reason anti Ahmadis are upset, is that when they have questions they have to visit google and have no divine guidance. If not google they have to ask maulvis about whom the Prophet(saw) said that they would be asked questions and would lead the people more astray than they were in their previous state.

    They also raise the allegation that anyone who does something the community dislikes is removed from the faith. This is false. No one is ever removed from the faith, rather they are removed from nizaam/or the jamaat. When? Only when they go against Islamic teachings to a great extent. This was the same case in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his sahaba. For example, Hadhrat Abu Bakr(ra) who said that I will wage war on those who do not pay the zakat. Not paying zakat was a act against Islam. Jamaat is only against non Islamic rituals, whether big or small. Those who want no restrictions, in reality want their own destruction.

    . Only through rules can there be discipline. Compare it to children in a home. Imagine they have the freedom to do whatever they like, and do not follow their parents. What would happen to them? Everyone would agree that they would fall into many errors which they could have been saved from, if they had followed rules.
  • We have a Khalifa who has united us and has attached us all, through his love. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(rh) explained that their are two types of fear. One fear is fearing lions and another type of fear is fearing Allah. The fear of Allah is based on our Love for Allah and our fear is of Hadhurs anger, which is in reality love for Hadhur. To say we cannot do anything is wrong. Its in reality discipline against non Islamic actions. We are only not allowed to participate in non Islamic actions. –
    With logic of anti Ahmadis all countries are a cult because they also have rules, for example no murder is allowed. Alhamdulillah we have a nizaam. It is because of nizam we are successful. How far have these anti Ahmadis reached? In Pakistan they do everything opposite. If they see a red light they go and if they see a green light they stop. They are completely misguided, only because they have no guidance, nor discipline.

Is Photography Permitted in Islam:

One of the allegations which the anti Ahmadi Muslims raise is that having a photo taken is haram. Firstly, majority of their scholars, if not all, have their photos taken. This simply shows us that they have no allegations left, and are therefore speaking out of thin air. –
Firstly, there is a great difference between taswir and photos. Taswir is prohibited but photography is allowed. Taswir in this case refers to the outward appearance, referring to idols. A photo is not a taswir, rather a reflection. Photography is called ukkasi, which is the art of reflection. Thus we see in the ahadith, that Hadhrat Ab Talha(ra) stated:

أَنَّهُ قَالَ ‏ “‏ لاَ تَدْخُلُ الْمَلاَئِكَةُ بَيْتًا فِيهِ كَلْبٌ وَلاَ صُورَةٌ ‏”‏‏.‏ يُرِيدُ التَّمَاثِيلَ الَّتِي فِيهَا الأَرْوَاحُ
Meaning, the Holy Prophetsaw said: “Angels do not enter such a house which contain a dog or an image.” He was referring to those statues whcih were idols regarding which it was believed that they contained souls” (Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith #4002)

The reason Hadhrat Ahmadas agreed that his photograph should be taken was so that people whom he would never meet could see what he looked like. Islamic fundamentalists had declared that photography was idolatrous for it involved the making of images. Ahmadas dismissed this objection. It was only idolatrous if the intention was that the image should be worshipped.
We see that by The Grace of Allah, millions have recognized the truth of Hadhrat Ahmadas, by simply seeing his blessed face.

Furthermore, when we look at the greatest non Ahmadi tafasir, they agree that other Prophets also had photos and that Hadhrat Adam(as) was given photos of all of the Prophets which were to come and that this box was inherited. Therefore, they have absolutely no ground to stand on with this false allegation. It is only raised as they cannot speak from the Qur’an and sunnah. Removing

Misconceptions about Ahmadiyyat:

  • Since the anti Ahmadis and the Anti Islamists in general have no reply to our arguments nor a response to our growth, they have labelled us a cult. This is totally false. Firstly, let me make it clear that Ahmadiyyat is the true Islam and the Prophesied sect to unite the Muslims in the end times. The Prophet(saw) made it clear that all sects would be on one side alone, while the true Islam will be alone on the other side.

    Our motto is Love for all, Hatred for none, how can we be a cult? One allegation of the non Ahmadi Muslims is Ahmadi Muslims are not allowed to question. This is completely false. We have full rights to ask questions. In fact, we even have many discussions on how to improve the work we do. Everyone has a right to speak. I am not better than anyone, everyone is given equal rights. We ask our Khalifa questions regularly. The reason anti Ahmadis are upset, is that when they have questions they have to visit google and have no divine guidance. If not google they have to ask maulvis about whom the Prophet(saw) said that they would be asked questions and would lead the people more astray than they were in their previous state.

    They also raise the allegation that anyone who does something the community dislikes is removed from the faith. This is false. No one is ever removed from the faith, rather they are removed from nizaam/or the jamaat. When? Only when they go against Islamic teachings to a great extent. This was the same case in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his sahaba. For example, Hadhrat Abu Bakr(ra) who said that I will wage war on those who do not pay the zakat. Not paying zakat was a act against Islam. Jamaat is only against non Islamic rituals, whether big or small. Those who want no restrictions, in reality want their own destruction.

    . Only through rules can there be discipline. Compare it to children in a home. Imagine they have the freedom to do whatever they like, and do not follow their parents. What would happen to them? Everyone would agree that they would fall into many errors which they could have been saved from, if they had followed rules.
  • We have a Khalifa who has united us and has attached us all, through his love. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(rh) explained that their are two types of fear. One fear is fearing lions and another type of fear is fearing Allah. The fear of Allah is based on our Love for Allah and our fear is of Hadhurs anger, which is in reality love for Hadhur. To say we cannot do anything is wrong. Its in reality discipline against non Islamic actions. We are only not allowed to participate in non Islamic actions. –
    With logic of anti Ahmadis all countries are a cult because they also have rules, for example no murder is allowed. Alhamdulillah we have a nizaam. It is because of nizam we are successful. How far have these anti Ahmadis reached? In Pakistan they do everything opposite. If they see a red light they go and if they see a green light they stop. They are completely misguided, only because they have no guidance, nor discipline.

Ant Men:

  • An allegation which many non Muslims raise on the Qur’an is in regards to a verse of Surah al Naml which states:
    “Until when they came to the Valley of al Naml, a Namlite said “O Ye Naml, enter your habitations, less Solomon and his hosts crush you while they know not” (Chapter 27 Verse 19)
    The Non Ahmadi Muslims take the world “Naml” to literally mean an ant. However, this is not true. For example :
    واد النمل
    means the valley of Naml rather the valley of ants as generally misunderstood. It refers to a valley where the tribe of Naml lived. In Qamus, a famous Arabic dictionary, under the word برق , Abriqa is one of the springs of Namlah. Naml is the name of a tribe in the same way Mazin which means the eggs of ants in reality refers to an Arab tribe. In Arabia it was not uncommon to name the tribes after animals and beasts such as Banu Asad (referring to Lion), Banu Kalm (refereinf to dog) and as we see here, Al Naml referring to a specific tribe. –
    Secondly the usage of the Arabic words ادخلو (enter)and مساكنكم (your habitations), further prove it was a valley of people since the word دخل (he entered) is used for rational beings only and مساكنكم (your habitations) is used only for human beings. نملة also refers to a tribe rather than a physical ant tribe. This verse shows us that the said Namlite was possible their leader and ordered the people to get out of the way for Hadhrat Solomon and his army and enter into their houses.

    Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (ra) stated: “Some say this valley is between Jibrin and Asqalan which is a town on the sea coast, twelve miles to the north of Gaz near Sinai (Taqwim al Buldan)

    Jibrin is a town in the north situated in the vilayar of Damascus. This shows that the valley od Naml is situated near the sea coast, opposite to or near Jerusalem, lying on the route of Damascus to Hijaz, at a distance of about a hundred miles from it. This part od the countrt was up to the time of Soloman inhabited by the Arabs and the Midianitea. According to other authorities, however it is situated in Yemen. His latter view seems to be more akin to reality.
  • In view of this historical facts fabulous legends woven round this valley are mere conjectures of the commentators of the Qur’an. The simple fact seems to be that while on military expedition to Saba’ Solomon might have passed by the valley where Namlah lived.

    It further appears from the verse that the piety and godliness of Solomon’s soldiers was framed far and wide. They would not know knowingly injure any people. This seems to be the implication of the words “and they knew not” and this is what pleased Solomon as is clear from the next verse” (Tafisr e Kabeer, 27:19)

Allegation on Unity:

  • Since the Anti Ahmadis have nothing to say against our beliefs as they know they have no response, they have started to use an allegation claiming that there is no unity in Jamaat since there are many sects which claim to be Ahmadi. Let us see the reality.

    Firstly, Ahmadiyyat is the most united religious group in the entire world. It is the most united sect of Islam and united under one leader. There are tens of millions of followers all united under one hand. However, with every divine group comes hypocrites and bad people as well. There have been times where people have had a decision made against them, and for this reason they began their own group within jamaat. However this does not make it a sect of Ahmadiyyat rather a sect of Islam as a whole. To be in the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, one must accept the Promised Messiah(as) and also be a part of the Nizam of the Khalifa.

    We often hear about the Lahori group which split early. Their splitting was prophesied by the Promised Messiah(as). It had to happen. This split has taught so many lessons, especially the importance of Khilafat. Where are the Lahoris today? Its literally impossible to spot one. In my entire life, I have only spoken to one and that was on Instagram and all he did was abuse me. –
    Now a second person who left Jamaat and began his own group comes from Germany. I have studied his teachings and also spoke to him on the phone once. He himself admits that he used to smoke and sell tickets at cinemas. His own family has admit to his illness and he is afraid of discussing with Ahmadi Muslims. Many books have refuted him. Some joined him but many come back to the true Islam. For example, there were families near where I live who had left but all came back recently. He claimed to be the Promised Son and fulfilled zero signs. –
    The third group is attributed to Mirza Rafi Ahmed sahib and even this group is literally zero. You cannot find them anywhere and their leader accepted Jamaat and did repent which further proves the falsehood of this group.
  • A fourth group is also unknown and they have had zero success, along with a fifth group. Its only people who hate khilafat or have a bad experience and then end up leaving. Then those members who have a bad experience with a decision made against them also join these groups.

    The sixth group is a person who is in prison right now and has also had zero success. These are not sects in Jamaat. Our Jamaat is united under one Khalifa alhamdulillah

Miraj – A Spiritual Journey:

  • Many non Ahmadi Muslims, especially the maulvis of today believe that the Miraj was a physical journey where the Prophet Muhammad (saw) bodily went to the heavens. However, this is against the Qur’an and sunnah. Firstly, it is important for us to understand that there is the Isra (the night journey where the Prophet(saw) went to Jerusalem in his vision) and then there is also the miraj (spiritual ascension). The Isra is discussed in Surah Isra, while the Miraj is discussed in Surah al Najm. Both were spiritual and show us the great rank of the Prophet Muhammad (saw).

    Chapter 53 Verses 5-19 beautifully describe the miraj. They mention that the Prophet(sa) went up to the Lote – tree; the lote tree was covered with “something” , the Prophet(sa) saw paradise near the lote tree, he became as it were, the one chord of two bows, he saw God and that the word of God descended on the lote tree. The ahadith on the miraj mention the same details.

    The event of miraj was not a physical journey with the body. That would be against the Qur’an and the ahadith. The non Ahmadi Muslims have sadly been taught fairytales and not taught to look at the Qur’an. Qur’an mentions the miraj and states “The heart of the Prophet was not untrue to which he saw” (53:12)

    The seeing of eyes and seeing of the heart are two different things. It’s clearly proven that this was spiritual from the Qur’an. Wherever the Prophet(sa) stopped, there was a lote tree. Imagine, what was a lote tree doing alone in the skies flown up into the skies? The Qur’an then states that Holy Prophet(sa) met Allah at the lote tree, and Gabriel stopped before that. The tree was even above the Prophet(saw). Can someone really think that Allah was sitting in front of a tree? This makes no sense if taken physically as Allah is not even physical. Then we would have to believe that God was physically near a tree and not with the Holy Prophet(saw). In reality, Allah was always with the Prophet(saw). How can we believe Allah was sitting near a tree physically? It wouldn’t make any sense. If we take it physically, then nothing remains of the deen nor the dunya. If we read ahadith, the true meaning is clear.
  • Firstly, when we look in Bukhari and the hadith that mentions miraj, at the end it states that when the miraj was finished, then he woke up. Why didn’t it say then he came back? This shows it was a vision. It wouldn’t make sense that he went with his body but in response it says his eyes opened. 53:12 makes it clear that it was the heart and what it saw wasn’t false. –
    In our opinion Allah is not limited. Allah States wherever you turn your face, Allah is there. A limited God is only a god of maulvis. our God is everywhere and not limited to one spot. Allah is everywhere at every time, present. No spot is empty from his presence. It makes no sense to say Allah is only limited to heavens.

    Secondly, what does the lote tree mean? The Lote tree is a sign referring to the highest or extremity. Even today in Punjab, many put trees to stop people from coming since it shows one spot ends here another starts. The tree meant the closing of creation that no one can pass this. –
    In some narrations of the miraj, cups of alcohol, milk and water are also mentioned. Research seems to tell us that these visions are in actuality for the isra, but we can use this to prove our point as well in the same way Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(rh) did. –
  • In this travel, the Prophet(saw) saw an old lady. She came and had three bowls presented to the Prophet one of alcohol, one of water and one of milk. Holy Prophet accepted milk rejected alcohol and water. Jibrael(as) said you did right, the old lady is the dunya who was shown to you as a lady because a old thing that has been there for a while was put as a lady. The lady was a example of the world. If we take it literal, that means that the entire world became a lady physically and no man remained and all came into a woman. Even maulvis cannot accept this. Hadhrat Aisha(ra) even stated: “By God, the body of the Holy Prophet(sa) did not disappear, but he was raised spiritually. (Tafseer Kashāf) –
    Jibrael(as) explained that the lady was a trial and was the world. There were three things water milk and alcohol. Water is needed for life, but along with it one needs food as well and his hunger is not erased. It cannot give him strength. Alcohol gives strength and a alcoholic gets excited. However, that strength is not the alcohol rather his blood and its all deception. A alcoholic is actually getting strength from what is already in his body. However with milk no bread is needed nor water and one can survive. In the same way, Allah has proven that till 2 years a boy survives only on milk and excels in growth in hair, nails and everything else. There is no weakness at all. There is no weakness in his health. This was the message that the shariah of the Prophet(saw) is complete and after his shariah nothing is needed. It has everything one needs. The meaning we take is to excel the Prophet(saw) in his rank. All Prophets being here spiritually further proves the death of Isa(as) as well as he was in the company of the dead.

    Holy Prophet(saw) also exceeded every Prophet in this journey which shows he is the greatest Prophet and this was a big purpose for Allah Showing this vision. It is also mentioned that this was during sleep which further shows it was a vision and not physical.

Isra – Journey to Jerusalem:

  • The Isra is the night journey to Jerusalem where the Prophet Muhammad (saw) lead all Prophets in prayers. This was a spiritual journey. The word isra itself is an Arabic word which means to take someone from one place to another by night, or to travel. The word includes the concept of it being night time. The Qur’an mentions it with the following:
    “Glory to that God who carried His servant from the Sacred Mosque to the Distant Mosque during the course of one night, the environs of which We have blessed, that We may show Our servant some of Our Signs. No doubt, God is All-Hearing and All-Seeing………This was the same time when, O Messenger, We said to thee, ‘Surely, thy Lord has encompassed the people.’ And We made not the vision which We showed thee but as a trial for men. (17:2, 17:61)

    There is no doubt that this journey was spiritual. While he was stating that he went to Jerusalem in that vision, a Jew stood up and said if you are right tell us the features of the temple and the surroundings of Jerusalem. The Prophet(sa) in his answer described all that he saw, but with this comment that God had brought before in my vision while I was answering all that had been asked about. This positively debunks that the Prophet(saw) physically visited Jerusalem. There are many proofs which show this was a vision.

    Firstly, it is stated in the traditions that during this journey, the Prophet(sa) saw an old woman, a person standing on one side of the road, and three cups full of water, wine and milk. The Prophet(sa) chose the last and Gabriel told him what all of these signified .The explanation by Gabriel of the things the Prophet saw shows that this journey was indeed a vision and that they needed interpretations.

    Secondly, the night journey is mentioned in 17:61 and the word vision is used. Many companions of the Prophet(saw) and latter day scholars because of this verse, agreed that it was indeed a vision. Muwaiya for example stated that it was a vision and Hadhrat Aisha(ra) also agreed.
  • Thirdly, we see in the hadith that when the Prophet(saw) spoke of his Night journey to Jerusalem he was asked to give a description of the Temple at Jerusalem. The Prophet is reported to have said that at that time God presented before his eyes an embodied representation of the Temple and he was thus able to describe it as demanded of him(Ibn Kathir)

    This was a vision of the highest level. The miraj was more for the manifestation of the spiritual perfections of the Prophet while the Isra was more to show his physical and worldly achievements. For this reason miraj took place in the heavens, while Isra took place in this world.

    Hadhrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) explained:
    ” Similarly, during the Mi‘rāj where the Holy Prophetsa was risen into the heavens without any physical or material means, during the Isrā’, Burrāq has been used as a means of transport. This indicates that material means would be involved in the worldly and physical accomplishments of the Holy Prophetsa and his following, as signified to in the extraordinary speed of Burrāq. These physical means would merely serve as a veil, but the actual source would be that divine succour, which would stand by the Holy Prophetsa every step of the way. The Holy Prophet’ssa surpassing other prophets during the Mi‘rāj signified that not only was the Holy Prophetsa the most supreme and exalted of all the prophets. Not only was the religious law of the Holy Prophetsa finer and more superior to all other religious laws in its spiritual perfection, but also, that such marvel has been vested in the spiritual munificence of the Holy Prophetsa as no other man has received its likeness.”

    Lastly, this vision can have a second interpretation as well spiritually. Meaning, that when the spiritual darkness enveloped the entire world, the Prophet would appear in spirit a second time in person of one of his followers, in a land far away from the scene of his first advent, meaning in India.

Israel Agents:

  • Many anti Ahmadis raise the allegation that since Ahmadi Muslims are well settled in Israel, they are therefore enemies of Islam and are against Palestine. They claim that Ahmadi Muslims are agents of Israel. This is completely false. Firstly, the first voice raised against the establishment of Israel was actually us Ahmadi Muslims. When the question of Palestine was raised in the UN, Hadhrat Chaudhary Muhammad Zafarullah Khan (ra) gave a powerful speech on October 9, 1947 in the Committee of the UN. The newspaper Nawai Waqf commented:

    The special correspondence of Reuter has reported that after the speech of Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, the Pakistani delegate, the Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations dealing with the question has been confronted with an awkward situation. Till the delegation of the United States declares its position with reference to the problem, other delegations are not prepared to speak. The United States delegate is not ready to speak till President Truman and the Secretary of State, Mr. George Marshall, and the U.S. delegation itself agree upon a united stand. The Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Herbert Evatt, of Australia, expressed his uneasiness at the debate appearing to have arrived prematurely at its end. The U.S. delegate remained sitting silent as if his lips had been sealed. Such a situation is unprecedented in the United Nations. The Pakistani delegate expressed the view of other delegations when in his annoyance he suggested that as leading delegates were reluctant to speak the general debate on the question of Palestine might be closed.

    The speech delivered by Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, leader of the Pakistan delegation, in the Committee of the UN General Assembly on the question of Palestine was most outstanding in every respect. He spoke for one hundred and fifteen minutes. When he finished his speech an Arab representative said that this was the best speech on the case of the Arabs and that he had not so far heard any such outstanding statement of their case. –
  • Muhammad Zafrullah Khan sahib (ra) devoted a great part of his speech to arguing against the partition of Palestine. The Arabs were extremely happy with him and showed him a lot of love. –
    In June 1948 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II delivered an address in Lahore in which he strongly urged the Muslims to unite so as to rescue Palestine from the grip of the Zionists. With reference to this address the AI-Shura of Baghdad in its issue of i8 June 1948 observed:

    We have received a tract which has been published in Baghdad in which a powerful address off Hazrat Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement, Qadian, is set out which he delivered in Lahore after the setting up of the so-called State of Israel. This address is captioned ‘The disbelievers are all one community’. We appreciate the Islamic indignation and Islamic efforts of the people who have published this very useful tract.

  • Ahmadi Muslims were actually against the setting up of the state of Israel. If living in Israel makes us agents of Israel, then what about the 100s of thousands of Muslims living there? Are they agents as well? Our mission in Palestine was made even before Israel. Our goal is to show the people of Israel the true Islam. Nowhere does the Qur’an forbid us from preaching to other religions. In fact, it’s our duty to preach to everyone. The Holy Prophet(saw) wrote letters to many rulers about accepting Islam and we are only following his footsteps.

    A girl once asked Hadhur(aba) about our relationship with the Israeli authorities. Our beloved Khalifa beautifully answered saying:

    “Our Ahmadis in Kababir are living peacefully and are respected by the government and authorities. In fact, they openly say that Ahmadis are true Muslims. So why should we break our relations with them?”

    “Nonetheless, it is completely wrong to suggest that we are conspiring against Islam! Rather, we believe that we should have positive relations with the people of all faiths and all beliefs. Indeed, it is only through dialogue and understanding that we can spread the message of Islam and it was through such dialogue that Jewish people accepted Islam in the time of the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa).”

Krishna – A Prophet of Allah? :

Many anti Ahmadis raise the allegation against Ahmadi Muslims, that we believe Krishna to be a Prophet of Allah. Firstly, the Hindhus call Krishna an avatar. In the religion of Hinduism, the concept of a prophet is in reality referred to as an avatar. The word autaar in their language comes from “utara” and means the same thing as a messenger in the English language. Hadhrat Ahmad (as) explained that Krishna was also a prophet who had his message distorted after his death. We see that the same has happened with Hadhrat Isa(as). –
Now as for their allegation, we have to first remember that according to the Qur’an and ahadith, prophets and messengers were sent to every nation. Allah States that every people were sent a Messenger. Ahadith also mention that there were 124,000 prophets.
Allah States in the Qur’an:
Verily, We have sent thee with the truth, as a bearer of glad tidings and as a Warner; and there is no people to whom a Warner has not been sent. (Chapter 35 Verse 25)

Verily, We have sent thee with the truth, as a bearer of glad tidings and as a Warner; and there is no people to whom a Warner has not been sent. (Chapter 35 Verse 25)

Now we also have proof from the ahadith that Krishna was in fact a prophet of God. Al Hafiz Al Dailami has a book called Tarikh Hamdhaan and it is mentioned:
قال صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: “كان في الهند نبياً أسوَد اللون، إسمه “كاهن”. (الحافظ شيرويه الديلمي، تاريخ همذان، باب الكاف)
Meaning, that the Prophet Muhammad (sa) said there was a Prophet of black color whose name was Kahan (Krishna is also called by this name) (Al Hafiz al Dailami, Tareekh Hamdaan, Bab Al-Kaaf)

Hadhrat Ali (ra) said that Allah sent a Prophet who was of black colour and he is of those prophets whose story is not mentioned in the Qur’an. (Majmua al Ausat)

In Tafsir Kashaf we have: Meaning that verily Allah sent a black prophet and he was among those who were not mentioned in the Qur’an.

So this is the view of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. Krishna was a Prophet and a true Prophet and the commentaries of other scholars also agree with us as I have shown. Many more books also say the same.

Hadhrat Qasim Nanotwi (rh) also said the same

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas states: “God Almighty has disclosed to me repeatedly in my visions that a person of the name of Krishan, who appeared among the Aryas, was a chosen one of God and was a Prophet of his time. The expression Avatar which is current among the Hindus is in its essence synonymous with Prophet. There is a prophecy in Hindu scriptures that in the latter days an Avatar would appear, who will possess the qualities of Krishna and will be his reflection. It has been conveyed to me that I am that person. Krishan had two qualities; one, that he was Ruddar i.e. the slayer of wild beasts and swine, [evil characters] that is to say by reasoning and Signs; and, two, that he was Gopal i.e. the nourisher of cows, that is to say he was a helper of the virtuous through his spirit. Both of these are the qualities of the Promised Messiah and God has bestowed both of them upon me.”(Tohfah Golarhviyyah, Page 130 Sub Footnote, Ruhani Khazain Volume 17, Page 317 Sub footnote)
And: “God, who is the Master of heaven and the earth, has disclosed to me and has told me—not once, but several times—that: ‘You are Krishan for the Hindus and the Promised Messiah for the Muslims and the Christians.” (Lecture Sialkot, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 20, Page 228)