False Narration Attributed to Hasan Basri
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False Narration Attributed to Hasan Basri

False Narration Attributed to Hasan Basri

This saying attributed to Hazrat Basrirh does not have a complete chain and cannot be trusted as it contradicts the Qur’an and Ahadith which are much more authentic.

Firstly, this is not a marfu muttasil narration. It is mursal and from Hassan Basri. Regarding his mursal narrations, it is written that they are not an authority for the Muslims. In Tahzib ul-Tahzib, it is written that there is nothing weaker than his mural narrations. Hassan Basri never met any companion. Allama Shuafi has also said this.  Regardless of all of this, this narration is weak and the chain cannot be trusted.

Even the non-Ahmadis accept that the chain is extremely weak:

This “hadith” is brought up by the people who cannot reply to the Qur’anic and Ahadith proof for the death of Isaas nor to the first ijma of the sahaba. This has no authenticity behind it and is not trustable. Many have lied that this is attributed to Imam Hasanra as well but in reality it is a naration attributed to Hasan Basri who was from among the Tabi’in.


The saying falsely attributed to Hazrat Hasan Basrirh is:


Hasan narrated: “The Messenger of Allahsaw said to the Jews, ‘Jesus has not died, he will return to you before the Doomsday.’” (Al-Tabari H.7133)


One narrator mentioned is Abdullah Ibn Abi Jaffir who is weak according to Imam adh Dhahabi (Shams-ud-din Muhammad Ibn Ahmad adh Dhabai, Diwan-du’afa wa al Matrukin Matba’ah an nahdah al hadistsiyya Mecca peage 213)


Imam adh Dhahabi has also stated that he is not an authority in Ahadith (Shams ud din Muhammad ibn Ahmad Adh Dhahabi, Al Ariel Fi’ad Du’afa volume 1)


This narrator is considered weak and his narrations are not acceptable. The next narrator is Abu Ja’far who is also weakned by many scholars including Ahmad Ibn Nawawi, An Nasai, Abu Zur’ah, Ibn al Madini. Amru Ibn Ali, As Saji, and Ibn Hibban.


Another narrator is named Ar Rabi Ibn Anas who Al Ijli has stated is not strong, and Abu Hatim ar Razi stated he is not strong either.